Here we go with the event Superior to the others.
Draft times enforced using Eastern time, 11/27/2018.
QwEST 8:00 9:17 9:19
Justin and the Silver Medalists 8:03 9:15 9:21
The Lunch Company 8:06 9:13 9:23
Salty Spitoon 8:09 9:11 9:25
Questionable Decisionmakers 8:12 9:09 9:27
The Lawnmowers 8:15 9:07 9:29
TSIMFD 8:18 9:05 9:31
The Dinner Company 8:21 9:03 9:33
The Good Attempt 8:24 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 8:27 8:59 9:37
Flux Capacity 8:30 8:57 9:39
CHS Hype Squad 8:33 8:55 9:41
The Breakfast Company 8:36 8:53 9:43
FIRST Pick 8:39 8:51 9:45
Mechabytes 8:42 8:49 9:47
Falcon 8:45 8:47 9:49
93 167 1816 2264 2503 2506 2526 2531
2574 2977 3008 3102 3134 3275 3276 3277
3291 3294 3381 3740 3750 3755 4009 4166
4207 4217 4230 4238 4480 4511 4539 4674
4728 4741 4845 5253 5290 5299 5348 5464
5542 5586 5638 5653 5690 5913 5991 5999
6022 6045 6047 6146 6160 6217 6318 6453
6628 7028 7041 7068 7235 7797 7864
Lists received: None
On the clock: QwEST
QwEST 4539 9:17 9:19
Justin and the Silver Medalists 8:03 9:15 9:21
The Lunch Company 8:06 9:13 9:23
Salty Spitoon 8:09 9:11 9:25
Questionable Decisionmakers 8:12 9:09 9:27
The Lawnmowers 8:15 9:07 9:29
TSIMFD 8:18 9:05 9:31
The Dinner Company 8:21 9:03 9:33
The Good Attempt 8:24 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 8:27 8:59 9:37
Flux Capacity 8:30 8:57 9:39
CHS Hype Squad 8:33 8:55 9:41
The Breakfast Company 8:36 8:53 9:43
FIRST Pick 8:39 8:51 9:45
Mechabytes 8:42 8:49 9:47
Falcon 8:45 8:47 9:49
93 167 1816 2264 2503 2506 2526 2531
2574 2977 3008 3102 3134 3275 3276 3277
3291 3294 3381 3740 3750 3755 4009 4166
4207 4217 4230 4238 4480 4511 4674
4728 4741 4845 5253 5290 5299 5348 5464
5542 5586 5638 5653 5690 5913 5991 5999
6022 6045 6047 6146 6160 6217 6318 6453
6628 7028 7041 7068 7235 7797 7864
Lists received: None
On the clock: Justin and the Silver Medalists
QwEST 4539 9:17 9:19
Justin and the Silver Medalists 1816 9:15 9:21
The Lunch Company 3276 9:13 9:23
Salty Spitoon 8:09 9:11 9:25
Questionable Decisionmakers 8:12 9:09 9:27
The Lawnmowers 8:15 9:07 9:29
TSIMFD 8:18 9:05 9:31
The Dinner Company 8:21 9:03 9:33
The Good Attempt 8:24 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 8:27 8:59 9:37
Flux Capacity 8:30 8:57 9:39
CHS Hype Squad 8:33 8:55 9:41
The Breakfast Company 8:36 8:53 9:43
FIRST Pick 8:39 8:51 9:45
Mechabytes 8:42 8:49 9:47
Falcon 8:45 8:47 9:49
93 167 2264 2503 2506 2526 2531
2574 2977 3008 3102 3134 3275 3277
3291 3294 3381 3740 3750 3755 4009 4166
4207 4217 4230 4238 4480 4511 4674
4728 4741 4845 5253 5290 5299 5348 5464
5542 5586 5638 5653 5690 5913 5991 5999
6022 6045 6047 6146 6160 6217 6318 6453
6628 7028 7041 7068 7235 7797 7864
Lists received: FIRST Pick, Falcon.
On the clock: Salty Spitoon
QwEST 4539 9:17 9:19
Justin and the Silver Medalists 1816 9:15 9:21
The Lunch Company 3276 9:13 9:23
Salty Spitoon 3008 9:11 9:25
Questionable Decisionmakers 8:12 9:09 9:27
The Lawnmowers 8:15 9:07 9:29
TSIMFD 8:18 9:05 9:31
The Dinner Company 8:21 9:03 9:33
The Good Attempt 8:24 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 8:27 8:59 9:37
Flux Capacity 8:30 8:57 9:39
CHS Hype Squad 8:33 8:55 9:41
The Breakfast Company 8:36 8:53 9:43
FIRST Pick 8:39 8:51 9:45
Mechabytes 8:42 8:49 9:47
Falcon 8:45 8:47 9:49
93 167 2264 2503 2506 2526 2531
2574 2977 3102 3134 3275 3277
3291 3294 3381 3740 3750 3755 4009 4166
4207 4217 4230 4238 4480 4511 4674
4728 4741 4845 5253 5290 5299 5348 5464
5542 5586 5638 5653 5690 5913 5991 5999
6022 6045 6047 6146 6160 6217 6318 6453
6628 7028 7041 7068 7235 7797 7864
Lists received: FIRST Pick, Falcon.
On the clock: Questionable Decisionmakers
QwEST 4539 9:17 9:19
Justin and the Silver Medalists 1816 9:15 9:21
The Lunch Company 3276 9:13 9:23
Salty Spitoon 3008 9:11 9:25
Questionable Decisionmakers 3750 9:09 9:27
The Lawnmowers 8:15 9:07 9:29
TSIMFD 8:18 9:05 9:31
The Dinner Company 8:21 9:03 9:33
The Good Attempt 8:24 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 8:27 8:59 9:37
Flux Capacity 8:30 8:57 9:39
CHS Hype Squad 8:33 8:55 9:41
The Breakfast Company 8:36 8:53 9:43
FIRST Pick 8:39 8:51 9:45
Mechabytes 8:42 8:49 9:47
Falcon 8:45 8:47 9:49
93 167 2264 2503 2506 2526 2531
2574 2977 3102 3134 3275 3277
3291 3294 3381 3740 3755 4009 4166
4207 4217 4230 4238 4480 4511 4674
4728 4741 4845 5253 5290 5299 5348 5464
5542 5586 5638 5653 5690 5913 5991 5999
6022 6045 6047 6146 6160 6217 6318 6453
6628 7028 7041 7068 7235 7797 7864
Lists received: FIRST Pick, Mechabytes, Falcon.
On the clock: The Lawnmowers
The lawnmowers choose team 93
QwEST 4539 9:17 9:19
Justin and the Silver Medalists 1816 9:15 9:21
The Lunch Company 3276 9:13 9:23
Salty Spitoon 3008 9:11 9:25
Questionable Decisionmakers 3750 9:09 9:27
The Lawnmowers 93 9:07 9:29
TSIMFD 3381 9:05 9:31
The Dinner Company 5999 9:03 9:33
The Good Attempt 4230 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 8:27 8:59 9:37
Flux Capacity 8:30 8:57 9:39
CHS Hype Squad 8:33 8:55 9:41
The Breakfast Company 8:36 8:53 9:43
FIRST Pick 8:39 8:51 9:45
Mechabytes 8:42 8:49 9:47
Falcon 8:45 8:47 9:49
167 2264 2503 2506 2526 2531
2574 2977 3102 3134 3275 3277
3291 3294 3740 3755 4009 4166
4207 4217 4238 4480 4511 4674
4728 4741 4845 5253 5290 5299 5348 5464
5542 5586 5638 5653 5690 5913 5991
6022 6045 6047 6146 6160 6217 6318 6453
6628 7028 7041 7068 7235 7797 7864
Lists received: FIRST Pick, Mechabytes, Falcon.
Missing: TSIMFD, The Dinner Company, The Good Attempt.
On the clock: 1.21 GW
QwEST 4539 9:17 9:19
Justin and the Silver Medalists 1816 9:15 9:21
The Lunch Company 3276 9:13 9:23
Salty Spitoon 3008 9:11 9:25
Questionable Decisionmakers 3750 9:09 9:27
The Lawnmowers 93 9:07 9:29
TSIMFD 3381 9:05 9:31
The Dinner Company 5999 9:03 9:33
The Good Attempt 4230 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 3277 8:59 9:37
Flux Capacity 8:30 8:57 9:39
CHS Hype Squad 8:33 8:55 9:41
The Breakfast Company 8:36 8:53 9:43
FIRST Pick 8:39 8:51 9:45
Mechabytes 8:42 8:49 9:47
Falcon 8:45 8:47 9:49
167 2264 2503 2506 2526 2531
2574 2977 3102 3134 3275
3291 3294 3740 3755 4009 4166
4207 4217 4238 4480 4511 4674
4728 4741 4845 5253 5290 5299 5348 5464
5542 5586 5638 5653 5690 5913 5991
6022 6045 6047 6146 6160 6217 6318 6453
6628 7028 7041 7068 7235 7797 7864
Lists received: FIRST Pick, Mechabytes, Falcon.
Missing: TSIMFD, The Dinner Company, The Good Attempt.
On the clock: Flux Capacity
TGA would like to swap 167 for 4230
QwEST 4539 9:17 9:19
Justin and the Silver Medalists 1816 9:15 9:21
The Lunch Company 3276 9:13 9:23
Salty Spitoon 3008 9:11 9:25
Questionable Decisionmakers 3750 9:09 9:27
The Lawnmowers 93 9:07 9:29
TSIMFD 3381 9:05 9:31
The Dinner Company 5999 9:03 9:33
The Good Attempt 167 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 3277 8:59 9:37
Flux Capacity 2526 8:57 9:39
CHS Hype Squad 8:33 8:55 9:41
The Breakfast Company 8:36 8:53 9:43
FIRST Pick 8:39 8:51 9:45
Mechabytes 8:42 8:49 9:47
Falcon 8:45 8:47 9:49
2264 2503 2506 2531
2574 2977 3102 3134 3275
3291 3294 3740 3755 4009 4166
4207 4217 4230 4238 4480 4511 4674
4728 4741 4845 5253 5290 5299 5348 5464
5542 5586 5638 5653 5690 5913 5991
6022 6045 6047 6146 6160 6217 6318 6453
6628 7028 7041 7068 7235 7797 7864
Lists received: FIRST Pick, Mechabytes, Falcon.
Missing: TSIMFD, The Dinner Company, The Good Attempt.
On the clock: CHS Hype Squad