[FF]: [SLFF] Minnesota North Star 2k19

Home, sweet home! Times enforced at 9 PM.

TSIMFD                         	9:00	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	9:03	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	9:06	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	9:09	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	9:12	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	9:15	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	9:18	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	9:21	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	9:24	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	9:27	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	9:30	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	9:33	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	9:36	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	9:39	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	9:42	9:49	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	9:45	9:47	10:49				
1816	2129	2143	2175	2177	2207	2225	2227
2239	2450	2472	2491	2525	2538	2549	2574
2606	2654	2883	2989	3018	3042	3082	3100
3122	3130	3206	3313	3610	3633	3848	3883
3926	4174	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6803	6912	7258	7273	7405
7849	7858	7875	7892				

Lists from: FP, Falcon, 1.21

Random list:


TSIMFD is up.

Hopefully Iā€™m not in ERROR by picking 3130

TSIMFD                         	3130	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	2175	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	3313	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	1816	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	9:12	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	9:15	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	9:18	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	9:21	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	9:24	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	9:27	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	9:30	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	9:33	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	9:36	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	9:39	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	9:42	9:49	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	9:45	9:47	10:49				
2129	2143	2177	2207	2225	2227		
2239	2450	2472	2491	2525	2538		
2606	2654	2883	2989	3018	3042	3082	3100
3122	3206	3610	3633	3848	3883		
3926	4174	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6803	6912	7258	7273	7405
7849	7858	7875	7892				

QwEST is up.



TSIMFD                         	3130	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	2175	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	3313	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	1816	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	2491	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	2143	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	2177	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	9:21	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	9:24	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	9:27	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	9:30	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	9:33	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	9:36	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	9:39	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	9:42	9:49	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	9:45	9:47	10:49				
2129	2207	2225	2227				
2239	2450	2472	2525	2538			
2606	2654	2883	2989	3018	3042	3082	3100
3122	3206	3610	3633	3848	3883		
3926	4174	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6803	6912	7258	7273	7405
7849	7858	7875	7892								

TGA is up.

TGA will select their friend FRED, 2883.

TSIMFD                         	3130	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	2175	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	3313	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	1816	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	2491	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	2143	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	2177	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	2883	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	9:24	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	9:27	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	9:30	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	9:33	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	9:36	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	9:39	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	9:42	9:49	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	9:45	9:47	10:49				
2129	2207	2225	2227				
2239	2450	2472	2525	2538			
2606	2654	2989	3018	3042	3082	3100	
3122	3206	3610	3633	3848	3883		
3926	4174	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6803	6912	7258	7273	7405
7849	7858	7875	7892				

CHS is up.


TSIMFD                         	3130	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	2175	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	3313	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	1816	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	2491	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	2143	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	2177	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	2883	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	3042	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	6803	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	3883	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	9:33	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	9:36	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	9:39	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	9:42	9:49	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	9:45	9:47	10:49				
2129	2207	2225	2227				
2239	2450	2472	2525	2538			
2606	2654	2989	3018	3082	3100		
3122	3206	3610	3633	3848			
3926	4174	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6912	7258	7273	7405	
7849	7858	7875	7892				

FC is up.

swap 2225

TSIMFD                         	3130	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	2175	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	3313	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	1816	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	2491	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	2143	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	2177	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	2883	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	3042	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	6803	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	2225	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	9:33	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	9:36	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	9:39	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	9:42	9:49	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	9:45	9:47	10:49				
2129	2207	2227					
2239	2450	2472	2525	2538			
2606	2654	2989	3018	3082	3100		
3122	3206	3610	3633	3848	3883		
3926	4174	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6912	7258	7273	7405	
7849	7858	7875	7892				

FC still up

3883 for TBC please.

TSIMFD                         	3130	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	2175	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	3313	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	1816	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	2491	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	2143	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	2177	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	2883	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	3042	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	6803	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	2225	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	2654	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	3883	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	9:39	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	9:42	9:49	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	9:45	9:47	10:49				
2129	2207	2227					
2239	2450	2472	2525	2538			
2606	2989	3018	3082	3100			
3122	3206	3610	3633	3848			
3926	4174	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6912	7258	7273	7405	
7849	7858	7875	7892				

TDC is up.

3100 plez thank ::ouch:: ::ouch:: ::ouch:: ::ouch:: ::ouch::

1 Like


TSIMFD                         	3130	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	2175	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	3313	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	1816	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	2491	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	2143	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	2177	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	2883	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	3042	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	6803	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	2225	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	2654	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	3883	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	3100	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	9:42	9:49	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	9:45	9:47	10:49				
2129	2207	2227					
2239	2450	2472	2525	2538			
2606	2989	3018	3082				
3122	3206	3610	3633	3848			
3926	4174	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6912	7258	7273	7405	
7849	7858	7875	7892				

JSM is up.

TSIMFD                         	3130	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	2175	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	3313	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	1816	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	2491	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	2143	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	2177	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	2883	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	3042	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	6803	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	2225	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	2654	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	3883	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	3100	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	3633	9:49	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	4174	2549	10:49				
2129	2207	2227					
2239	2450	2472	2525	2538	2574		
2606	2989	3018	3082				
3122	3206	3610	3848				
3926	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648	
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6912	7258	7273	7405	
7849	7858	7875	7892				

Draft runner doc did a bad and removed 2549 and 2574 from the pool when they are still attending. Now everything has been fixed. JSM is up.


TSIMFD                         	3130	10:17	10:19				
The Lunch Company              	2175	10:15	10:21				
Mechabytes                     	3313	10:13	10:23				
FIRST Pick                     	1816	10:11	10:25				
QwEST                          	2491	10:09	10:27				
The Lawnmowers                 	2143	10:07	10:29				
Falcon                         	2177	10:05	10:31				
The Good Attempt               	2883	10:03	10:33				
Chesapeake Hype Squad          	3042	10:01	10:35				
Questionable Decisionmakers    	6803	9:59	10:37				
1.21 Gigawatt                  	2225	9:57	10:39				
Flux Capacity                  	2654	9:55	10:41				
The Breakfast Company          	3883	9:53	10:43				
The Dinner Company             	3100	9:51	10:45				
Justin and the Silver Medalists	3633	2227	10:47				
Salty Spitoon                  	4174	2549	10:49				
2129	2207						
2239	2450	2472	2525	2538	2574		
2606	2989	3018	3082				
3122	3206	3610	3848				
3926	4215	4225	4277	4506	4632	4648	
4663	4665	4778	5275	5278	5340	5626	5826
5993	6487	6749	6912	7258	7273	7405	
7849	7858	7875	7892				

TDC is up.