[FF]: [SLFF] Silicon Valley 2019

The Lunch Company          	846	9:17	9:19				
Mechabytes                 	2220	9:15	9:21				
FIRST Pick                 	604	9:13	9:23				
QwEST                      	1868	9:11	9:25				
The Lawnmowers             	649	9:09	9:27				
Falcon                     	254	9:07	9:29				
The Good Attempt           	8	9:05	9:31				
CHS Hype Squad             	192	9:03	9:33				
Questionable Decisionmakers	5026	9:01	9:35				
1.21 GW                    	199	8:59	9:37				
Flux Capacity              	1351	8:57	9:39				
The Breakfast Company      	6418	8:55	9:41				
The Dinner Company         	4159	8:53	9:43				
JSMedalists                	2035	8:51	9:45				
Salty Spitoon              	7419	8:49	9:47				
TSIMFD                     	8:45	8:47	9:49				
256	299	581					
668	670	751	766	840	841		
972	1458	1967	2135				
2367	2473	2489	2813	2854	3482	4171	
4186	4255	4669	4973	4990	5027	5171	
5737	5773	5831	5849	6036	6039	6059	6238
6241	6619	6665	6970	7245	7308		
7445	7528	7667	7736				

Lists from: The Lawnmowers, Falcon, QwEST, FP, JSM (first 2 rounds), SS, Mechabytes
On the clock: TSIMFD (this stuff is pretty freakin dope)

841 and 7736

The Lunch Company          	846	9:17	9:19				
Mechabytes                 	2220	9:15	9:21				
FIRST Pick                 	604	9:13	9:23				
QwEST                      	1868	9:11	9:25				
The Lawnmowers             	649	9:09	9:27				
Falcon                     	254	9:07	9:29				
The Good Attempt           	8	9:05	9:31				
CHS Hype Squad             	192	9:03	9:33				
Questionable Decisionmakers	5026	9:01	9:35				
1.21 GW                    	199	8:59	9:37				
Flux Capacity              	1351	8:57	9:39				
The Breakfast Company      	6418	8:55	9:41				
The Dinner Company         	4159	8:53	9:43				
JSMedalists                	2035	2473	9:45				
Salty Spitoon              	7419	4990	9:47				
TSIMFD                     	841	7736	9:49				
256	299	581					
668	670	751	766	840			
972	1458	1967	2135				
2367	2489	2813	2854	3482	4171		
4186	4255	4669	4973	5027	5171		
5737	5773	5831	5849	6036	6039	6059	6238
6241	6619	6665	6970	7245	7308		
7445	7528	7667					

Lists from: The Lawnmowers, Falcon, QwEST, FP, JSM (first 2 rounds), SS, Mechabytes
On the clock: TDC



The Lunch Company          	846	9:17	9:19			
Mechabytes                 	2220	9:15	9:21			
FIRST Pick                 	604	9:13	9:23			
QwEST                      	1868	9:11	9:25			
The Lawnmowers             	649	9:09	9:27			
Falcon                     	254	9:07	9:29			
The Good Attempt           	8	9:05	9:31			
CHS Hype Squad             	192	9:03	9:33			
Questionable Decisionmakers	5026	9:01	9:35			
1.21 GW                    	199	8:59	9:37			
Flux Capacity              	1351	6039	9:39			
The Breakfast Company      	6418	2854	9:41			
The Dinner Company         	4159	766	9:43			
JSMedalists                	2035	2473	9:45			
Salty Spitoon              	7419	4990	9:47			
TSIMFD                     	841	7736	9:49			
256	299	581				
668	670	751	840			
972	1458	1967	2135			
2367	2489	2813	3482	4171		
4186	4255	4669	4973	5027	5171	
5737	5773	5831	5849	6036	6059	6238
6241	6619	6665	6970	7245	7308	
7445	7528	7667				

Lists from: The Lawnmowers, Falcon, QwEST, FP, JSM (first 2 rounds), SS, Mechabytes
On the clock: 1.21 GW

Switching 766 for 670

Apes. 668

The Lunch Company          	846	9:17	9:19			
Mechabytes                 	2220	9:15	9:21			
FIRST Pick                 	604	9:13	9:23			
QwEST                      	1868	9:11	9:25			
The Lawnmowers             	649	9:09	9:27			
Falcon                     	254	9:07	9:29			
The Good Attempt           	8	9:05	9:31			
CHS Hype Squad             	192	9:03	9:33			
Questionable Decisionmakers	5026	9:01	9:35			
1.21 GW                    	199	668	9:37			
Flux Capacity              	1351	6039	9:39			
The Breakfast Company      	6418	2854	9:41			
The Dinner Company         	4159	670	9:43			
JSMedalists                	2035	2473	9:45			
Salty Spitoon              	7419	4990	9:47			
TSIMFD                     	841	7736	9:49			
256	299	581				
751	766	840				
972	1458	1967	2135			
2367	2489	2813	3482	4171		
4186	4255	4669	4973	5027	5171	
5737	5773	5831	5849	6036	6059	6238
6241	6619	6665	6970	7245	7308	
7445	7528	7667				

Lists from: The Lawnmowers, Falcon, QwEST, FP, JSM (first 2 rounds), SS, Mechabytes
On the clock: QD


The Lunch Company          	846	9:17	9:19		
Mechabytes                 	2220	9:15	9:21		
FIRST Pick                 	604	9:13	9:23		
QwEST                      	1868	9:11	9:25		
The Lawnmowers             	649	9:09	9:27		
Falcon                     	254	9:07	9:29		
The Good Attempt           	8	9:05	9:31		
CHS Hype Squad             	192	9:03	9:33		
Questionable Decisionmakers	5026	5831	9:35		
1.21 GW                    	199	668	9:37		
Flux Capacity              	1351	6039	9:39		
The Breakfast Company      	6418	2854	9:41		
The Dinner Company         	4159	670	9:43		
JSMedalists                	2035	2473	9:45		
Salty Spitoon              	7419	4990	9:47		
TSIMFD                     	841	7736	9:49		
256	299	581			
751	766	840			
972	1458	1967	2135		
2367	2489	2813	3482	4171	
4186	4255	4669	4973	5027	5171
5737	5773	5849	6036	6059	6238
6241	6619	6665	6970	7245	7308
7445	7528	7667			

Lists from: The Lawnmowers, Falcon, QwEST, FP, JSM (first 2 rounds), SS, Mechabytes
On the clock: CHS


The Lunch Company          	846	9:17	9:19		
Mechabytes                 	2220	6970	9:21		
FIRST Pick                 	604	5849	9:23		
QwEST                      	1868	7528	9:25		
The Lawnmowers             	649	1967	9:27		
Falcon                     	254	766	9:29		
The Good Attempt           	8	3482	9:31		
CHS Hype Squad             	192	2135	9:33		
Questionable Decisionmakers	5026	5831	9:35		
1.21 GW                    	199	668	9:37		
Flux Capacity              	1351	6039	9:39		
The Breakfast Company      	6418	2854	9:41		
The Dinner Company         	4159	670	9:43		
JSMedalists                	2035	2473	9:45		
Salty Spitoon              	7419	4990	9:47		
TSIMFD                     	841	7736	9:49		
256	299	581			
751	840				
972	1458				
2367	2489	2813	4171		
4186	4255	4669	4973	5027	5171
5737	5773	6036	6059	6238	
6241	6619	6665	7245	7308	
7445	7667				

Lists from: The Lawnmowers, Falcon, QwEST, FP, JSM (first 2 rounds), SS, Mechabytes
On the clock: TLC

Full send 6238 and 299 please


The Lunch Company          	846	6238	299			
Mechabytes                 	2220	6970	6036			
FIRST Pick                 	604	5849	7445			
QwEST                      	1868	7528	7667			
The Lawnmowers             	649	1967	2367			
Falcon                     	254	766	2489			
The Good Attempt           	8	3482	1458			
CHS Hype Squad             	192	2135	9:33			
Questionable Decisionmakers	5026	5831	9:35			
1.21 GW                    	199	668	9:37			
Flux Capacity              	1351	6039	9:39			
The Breakfast Company      	6418	2854	9:41			
The Dinner Company         	4159	670	9:43			
JSMedalists                	2035	2473	9:45			
Salty Spitoon              	7419	4990	9:47			
TSIMFD                     	841	7736	9:49			
256	581					
751	840					
2813	4171					
4186	4255	4669	4973	5027	5171	
5737	5773	6059				
6241	6619	6665	7245	7308		

Lists from: The Lawnmowers, Falcon, QwEST, FP, JSM (first 2 rounds), SS, Mechabytes
On the clock: CHS

4255 for the team wearing the funny hats.

The Lunch Company          	846	6238	299	
Mechabytes                 	2220	6970	6036	
FIRST Pick                 	604	5849	7445	
QwEST                      	1868	7528	7667	
The Lawnmowers             	649	1967	2367	
Falcon                     	254	766	2489	
The Good Attempt           	8	3482	1458	
CHS Hype Squad             	192	2135	4255	
Questionable Decisionmakers	5026	5831	9:35	
1.21 GW                    	199	668	9:37	
Flux Capacity              	1351	6039	9:39	
The Breakfast Company      	6418	2854	9:41	
The Dinner Company         	4159	670	9:43	
JSMedalists                	2035	2473	9:45	
Salty Spitoon              	7419	4990	9:47	
TSIMFD                     	841	7736	9:49	
256	581			
751	840			
2813	4171			
4186	4669	4973	5027	5171
5737	5773	6059		
6241	6619	6665	7245	7308

Lists from: The Lawnmowers, Falcon, QwEST, FP, JSM (first 2 rounds), SS, Mechabytes
On the clock: QD


The Lunch Company          	846	6238	299	
Mechabytes                 	2220	6970	6036	
FIRST Pick                 	604	5849	7445	
QwEST                      	1868	7528	7667	
The Lawnmowers             	649	1967	2367	
Falcon                     	254	766	2489	
The Good Attempt           	8	3482	1458	
CHS Hype Squad             	192	2135	4255	
Questionable Decisionmakers	5026	5831	972	
1.21 GW                    	199	668	9:37	
Flux Capacity              	1351	6039	9:39	
The Breakfast Company      	6418	2854	9:41	
The Dinner Company         	4159	670	9:43	
JSMedalists                	2035	2473	9:45	
Salty Spitoon              	7419	4990	9:47	
TSIMFD                     	841	7736	9:49	
256	581			
751	840			
2813	4171			
4186	4669	4973	5027	5171
5737	5773	6059		
6241	6619	6665	7245	7308

Lists from: The Lawnmowers, Falcon, QwEST, FP, JSM (first 2 rounds), SS, Mechabytes
On the clock: 1.21 GW

4159 Cardinal?