Well I looked up Indiana memes, and that’s one of the options… I’ll go with it.
Sorry, I forgot I was running the draft D:
1.21 GW 8:00 8:37 8:39
TLC 8:03 8:35 8:41
Mechabytes 8:06 8:33 8:43
TBC 8:09 8:31 8:45
TGA 8:12 8:29 8:47
SS 8:15 8:27 8:49
FP 8:18 8:25 8:51
QwEST 8:21 8:23 8:53
45 71 135 234 292 447 461 829
868 1018 1024 1501 1529 1555 1646 1720
1741 1747 2171 2197 2867 2909 3147 3176
3180 3487 3494 3559 3865 3936 3940 3947
4008 4103 4272 4485 4580 4926 4982 5010
5188 5402 5403 5484 5944 6451 6498 6721
6956 7198 7454 7457 7477 7502 7617 7657
List from FP and SS, 1.21 is on the clock, starts at 8PM EST.
If you’re not here, you’re in the other tier.
The 1.21 machine choose 1024
1.21 GW 1024 8:37 8:39
TLC 868 8:35 8:41
Mechabytes 8:06 8:33 8:43
TBC 8:09 8:31 8:45
TGA 8:12 8:29 8:47
SS 8:15 8:27 8:49
FP 8:18 8:25 8:51
QwEST 8:21 8:23 8:53
45 71 135 234 292 447 461 829
1018 1501 1529 1555 1646 1720
1741 1747 2171 2197 2867 2909 3147 3176
3180 3487 3494 3559 3865 3936 3940 3947
4008 4103 4272 4485 4580 4926 4982 5010
5188 5402 5403 5484 5944 6451 6498 6721
6956 7198 7454 7457 7477 7502 7617 7657
On the clock: MB
MIA: No one
Lists: SS/FP
1.21 GW 1024 8:37 8:39
TLC 868 8:35 8:41
Mechabytes 1747 8:33 8:43
TBC 135 8:31 8:45
TGA 8:12 8:29 8:47
SS 8:15 8:27 8:49
FP 8:18 8:25 8:51
QwEST 8:21 8:23 8:53
45 71 234 292 447 461 829
1018 1501 1529 1555 1646 1720
1741 2171 2197 2867 2909 3147 3176
3180 3487 3494 3559 3865 3936 3940 3947
4008 4103 4272 4485 4580 4926 4982 5010
5188 5402 5403 5484 5944 6451 6498 6721
6956 7198 7454 7457 7477 7502 7617 7657
On the clock: TGA
MIA: No one
Lists: SS/FP
1.21 GW 1024 8:37 8:39
TLC 868 8:35 8:41
Mechabytes 1747 8:33 8:43
TBC 135 8:31 8:45
TGA 1741 8:29 8:47
SS 1501 8:27 8:49
FP 234 8:25 8:51
QwEST 8:21 8:23 8:53
45 71 292 447 461 829
1018 1529 1555 1646 1720
2171 2197 2867 2909 3147 3176
3180 3487 3494 3559 3865 3936 3940 3947
4008 4103 4272 4485 4580 4926 4982 5010
5188 5402 5403 5484 5944 6451 6498 6721
6956 7198 7454 7457 7477 7502 7617 7657
On the clock: QwEST
MIA: No one
Lists: SS/FP
wrong draft for the 135 slide
1.21 GW 1024 8:37 8:39
TLC 868 8:35 8:41
Mechabytes 1747 8:33 8:43
TBC 135 8:31 8:45
TGA 1741 8:29 8:47
SS 1501 1720 8:49
FP 234 71 8:51
QwEST 1018 829 8:53
45 292 447 461
1529 1555 1646
2171 2197 2867 2909 3147 3176
3180 3487 3494 3559 3865 3936 3940 3947
4008 4103 4272 4485 4580 4926 4982 5010
5188 5402 5403 5484 5944 6451 6498 6721
6956 7198 7454 7457 7477 7502 7617 7657
On the clock: TGA
MIA: No one
Lists: SS/FP
1.21 GW 1024 8:37 8:39
TLC 868 8:35 8:41
Mechabytes 1747 8:33 8:43
TBC 135 461 8:45
TGA 1741 3940 8:47
SS 1501 1720 8:49
FP 234 71 8:51
QwEST 1018 829 8:53
45 292 447
1529 1555 1646
2171 2197 2867 2909 3147 3176
3180 3487 3494 3559 3865 3936 3947
4008 4103 4272 4485 4580 4926 4982 5010
5188 5402 5403 5484 5944 6451 6498 6721
6956 7198 7454 7457 7477 7502 7617 7657
On the clock: Mechabytes
MIA: No one
Lists: SS/FP
1.21 GW 1024 8:37 8:39
TLC 868 5010 8:41
Mechabytes 1747 5188 8:43
TBC 135 461 8:45
TGA 1741 3940 8:47
SS 1501 1720 8:49
FP 234 71 8:51
QwEST 1018 829 8:53
45 292 447
1529 1555 1646
2171 2197 2867 2909 3147 3176
3180 3487 3494 3559 3865 3936 3947
4008 4103 4272 4485 4580 4926 4982
5402 5403 5484 5944 6451 6498 6721
6956 7198 7454 7457 7477 7502 7617 7657
On the clock: 1.21 GW
MIA: No one
Lists: SS/FP
1.21 GW 1024 3947 3176
TLC 868 5010 8:41
Mechabytes 1747 5188 8:43
TBC 135 461 8:45
TGA 1741 3940 8:47
SS 1501 1720 8:49
FP 234 71 8:51
QwEST 1018 829 8:53
45 292 447
1529 1555 1646
2171 2197 2867 2909 3147
3180 3487 3494 3559 3865 3936
4008 4103 4272 4485 4580 4926 4982
5402 5403 5484 5944 6451 6498 6721
6956 7198 7454 7457 7477 7502 7617 7657
On the clock: TLC
MIA: 1.21
Lists: SS/FP
4272 swap second, 4103 third