[FF]: South Florida 2018

Hammerheads                	7:00	8:02	8:04
DFrostU                    	7:03	8:00	8:06
Questionable Decisionmakers	7:06	7:58	8:08
First Pick                 	7:09	7:56	8:10
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	7:12	7:54	8:12
The Lunch Company          	7:15	7:52	8:14
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	7:18	7:50	8:16
TSIMFD                     	7:21	7:48	8:18
Blucifer                   	7:24	7:46	8:20
The Breakfast Company      	7:27	7:44	8:22
Falcon                     	7:30	7:42	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	7:33	7:40	8:26
NASUH                      	7:36	7:38	8:28

21	59	79	86	108	179	180	348
386	744	1065	1251	1369	1523	1649	1744
1902	2152	2383	2797	3242	3410	3653	3932
4065	4118	4471	4533	4562	4592	5283	5329
5410	5472	5605	5773	5842	5949	6001	6225
6388	6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	6948	7008
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193	7194
7215	7216	7231					

Hammerheads will take 180

Hammerheads                	180	8:02	8:04
DFrostU                    	179	8:00	8:06
Questionable Decisionmakers	7:06	7:58	8:08
First Pick                 	7:09	7:56	8:10
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	7:12	7:54	8:12
The Lunch Company          	7:15	7:52	8:14
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	7:18	7:50	8:16
TSIMFD                     	7:21	7:48	8:18
Blucifer                   	7:24	7:46	8:20
The Breakfast Company      	7:27	7:44	8:22
Falcon                     	7:30	7:42	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	7:33	7:40	8:26
NASUH                      	7:36	7:38	8:28

21	59	79	86	108	348		
386	744	1065	1251	1369	1523	1649	1744
1902	2152	2383	2797	3242	3410	3653	3932
4065	4118	4471	4533	4562	4592	5283	5329
5410	5472	5605	5773	5842	5949	6001	6225
6388	6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	6948	7008
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193	7194
7215	7216	7231					

We’ll take our second piece of 5842 stock.

Hammerheads                	180	8:02	8:04
DFrostU                    	179	8:00	8:06
Questionable Decisionmakers	5842	7:58	8:08
First Pick                 	7:09	7:56	8:10
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	7:12	7:54	8:12
The Lunch Company          	7:15	7:52	8:14
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	7:18	7:50	8:16
TSIMFD                     	7:21	7:48	8:18
Blucifer                   	7:24	7:46	8:20
The Breakfast Company      	7:27	7:44	8:22
Falcon                     	7:30	7:42	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	7:33	7:40	8:26
NASUH                      	7:36	7:38	8:28

21	59	79	86	108	348		
386	744	1065	1251	1369	1523	1649	1744
1902	2152	2383	2797	3242	3410	3653	3932
4065	4118	4471	4533	4562	4592	5283	5329
5410	5472	5605	5773	5949	6001	6225	
6388	6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	6948	7008
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193	7194
7215	7216	7231					


Hammerheads                	180	8:02	8:04
DFrostU                    	179	8:00	8:06
Questionable Decisionmakers	5842	7:58	8:08
First Pick                 	744	7:56	8:10
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	2383	7:54	8:12
The Lunch Company          	1902	7:52	8:14
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	386	7:50	8:16
TSIMFD                     	7:21	7:48	8:18
Blucifer                   	7:24	7:46	8:20
The Breakfast Company      	7:27	7:44	8:22
Falcon                     	7:30	7:42	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	7:33	7:40	8:26
NASUH                      	7:36	7:38	8:28

21	59	79	86	108	348		
1065	1251	1369	1523	1649	1744		
2152	2797	3242	3410	3653	3932		
4065	4118	4471	4533	4562	4592	5283	5329
5410	5472	5605	5773	5949	6001	6225	
6388	6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	6948	7008
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193	7194
7215	7216	7231					

79, please. Will be sending in list momentarily.

Hammerheads                	180	8:02	8:04
DFrostU                    	179	8:00	8:06
Questionable Decisionmakers	5842	7:58	8:08
First Pick                 	744	7:56	8:10
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	2383	7:54	8:12
The Lunch Company          	1902	7:52	8:14
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	386	7:50	8:16
TSIMFD                     	79	7:48	8:18
Blucifer                   	6001	7:46	8:20
The Breakfast Company      	7:27	7:44	8:22
Falcon                     	7:30	7:42	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	7:33	7:40	8:26
NASUH                      	7:36	7:38	8:28

21	59	86	108	348			
1065	1251	1369	1523	1649	1744		
2152	2797	3242	3410	3653	3932		
4065	4118	4471	4533	4562	4592	5283	5329
5410	5472	5605	5773	5949	6225		
6388	6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	6948	7008
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193	7194
7215	7216	7231					

In honor of our Canadian team members, TBC will take 1065

Hammerheads                	180	8:02	8:04
DFrostU                    	179	8:00	8:06
Questionable Decisionmakers	5842	7:58	8:08
First Pick                 	744	7:56	8:10
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	2383	7:54	8:12
The Lunch Company          	1902	7:52	8:14
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	386	7:50	8:16
TSIMFD                     	79	7:48	8:18
Blucifer                   	6001	7:46	8:20
The Breakfast Company      	1065	7:44	8:22
Falcon                     	1523	21	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	348	2152	8:26
NASUH                      	86	3653	8:28

59	108						
1251	1369	1649	1744				
2797	3242	3410	3932				
4065	4118	4471	4533	4562	4592	5283	5329
5410	5472	5605	5773	5949	6225		
6388	6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	6948	7008
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193	7194
7215	7216	7231					

4592 for TBC

Hammerheads                	180	8:02	8:04
DFrostU                    	179	8:00	8:06
Questionable Decisionmakers	5842	7:58	8:08
First Pick                 	744	108	8:10
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	2383	6388	8:12
The Lunch Company          	1902	1251	8:14
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	386	5472	8:16
TSIMFD                     	79	1369	8:18
Blucifer                   	6001	1744	8:20
The Breakfast Company      	1065	4592	8:22
Falcon                     	1523	21	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	348	2152	8:26
NASUH                      	86	3653	8:28

2797	3242	3410	3932				
4065	4118	4471	4533	4562	5283	5329	
5410	5605	5773	5949	6225			
6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	6948	7008	
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193	7194
7215	7216	7231					

QD selects 59, RamTech

Hammerheads                	180	8:02	8:04
DFrostU                    	179	3932	8:06
Questionable Decisionmakers	5842	59	8:08
First Pick                 	744	108	8:10
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	2383	6388	8:12
The Lunch Company          	1902	1251	8:14
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	386	5472	8:16
TSIMFD                     	79	1369	8:18
Blucifer                   	6001	1744	8:20
The Breakfast Company      	1065	4592	8:22
Falcon                     	1523	21	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	348	2152	8:26
NASUH                      	86	3653	8:28

2797	3242	3410	3932				
4065	4118	4471	4533	4562	5283	5329	
5410	5605	5773	5949	6225			
6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	6948	7008	
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193	7194
7215	7216	7231					

6948 and 7231 please

Hammerheads                	180	6948	7231
DFrostU                    	179	3932	6225
Questionable Decisionmakers	5842	59	8:08
First Pick                 	744	108	8:10
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	2383	6388	8:12
The Lunch Company          	1902	1251	8:14
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	386	5472	8:16
TSIMFD                     	79	1369	8:18
Blucifer                   	6001	1744	8:20
The Breakfast Company      	1065	4592	8:22
Falcon                     	1523	21	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	348	2152	8:26
NASUH                      	86	3653	8:28

2797	3242	3410					
4065	4118	4471	4533	4562	5283	5329	
5410	5605	5773	5949				
6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	7008		
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193	7194
7215	7216						

We’ll round out our alliance with 4118, Roaring Riptide.

Hammerheads                	180	6948	7231
DFrostU                    	179	3932	6225
Questionable Decisionmakers	5842	59	4118
First Pick                 	744	108	5410
The Kellen Hill Fan Club   	2383	6388	4471
The Lunch Company          	1902	1251	4533
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	386	5472	4065
TSIMFD                     	79	1369	7194
Blucifer                   	6001	1744	2797
The Breakfast Company      	1065	4592	8:22
Falcon                     	1523	21	8:24
Cup of Joe                 	348	2152	8:26
NASUH                      	86	3653	8:28

3242	3410					
4562	5283	5329				
5605	5773	5949				
6468	6527	6685	6686	6722	7008	
7015	7026	7044	7107	7108	7152	7193
7215	7216					

7026 for us please