[FF]: Tech Valley Tier Two Electricer Boogalooer MMXIX


Lists: Our fearless commissioner Mr Falcon and no one else

Times enforced 11/29 at 8 PM

LM	8:00	8:37	8:39				
TDC	8:03	8:35	8:41				
1.21 GW	8:06	8:33	8:43				
CHS	8:09	8:31	8:45				
FP	8:12	8:29	8:47				
FLCN	8:15	8:27	8:49				
JSM	8:18	8:25	8:51				
SS	8:21	8:23	8:53				
20	145	250	334	358	639	694	1493
1665	1860	2791	2875	3044	3799	4508	5149
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621	6880
7027	7030	7031	7400	7507	7563	7565	7651

We the Lawnmowers choose team 1860 - Cephatron

TDC would like to Shake up the competition with team 2791

swap for 694

LM	694	8:37	8:39				
TDC	2791	8:35	8:41				
1.21 GW 	8:06	8:33	8:43				
CHS	8:09	8:31	8:45				
FP	8:12	8:29	8:47				
FLCN	8:15	8:27	8:49				
JSM	8:18	8:25	8:51				
SS	8:21	8:23	8:53				
20	145	250	334	358	639	1493	
1665	1860	2875	3044	3799	4508	5149	
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621	6880
7027	7030	7031	7400	7507	7563	7565	7651

1.21 is going on a trip in their favorite ROCKETship like 20 times…

LM	694	8:37	8:39				
TDC	2791	8:35	8:41				
1.21 GW	20	8:33	8:43				
CHS	8:09	8:31	8:45				
FP	8:12	8:29	8:47				
FLCN	8:15	8:27	8:49				
JSM	8:18	8:25	8:51				
SS	8:21	8:23	8:53				
145	250	334	358	639	1493		
1665	1860	2875	3044	3799	4508	5149	
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621	6880
7027	7030	7031	7400	7507	7563	7565	7651


LM	694	8:37	8:39				
TDC	2791	8:35	8:41				
1.21 GW	20	8:33	8:43				
CHS	3044	8:31	8:45				
FP	639	8:29	8:47				
FLCN	1860	8:27	8:49				
JSM	8:18	8:25	8:51				
SS	8:21	8:23	8:53				
145	250	334	358	1493			
1665	2875	3799	4508	5149			
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621	6880
7027	7030	7031	7400	7507	7563	7565	7651

I think they’ll cause some thunder… team 7400

LM	694	8:37	8:39				
TDC	2791	8:35	8:41				
1.21 GW	20	8:33	8:43				
CHS	3044	8:31	8:45				
FP	639	8:29	8:47				
FLCN	1860	8:27	8:49				
JSM	7400	8:25	8:51				
SS	8:21	8:23	8:53				
145	250	334	358	1493			
1665	2875	3799	4508	5149			
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621	6880
7027	7030	7031	7507	7563	7565	7651	

LM	694	8:37	8:39			
TDC	2791	8:35	8:41			
1.21 GW	20	8:33	8:43			
CHS	3044	8:31	8:45			
FP	639	8:29	8:47			
FLCN	1860	8:27	8:49			
JSM	7400	8:25	8:51			
SS	6880	4508	8:53			
145	250	334	358	1493		
1665	2875	3799	5149			
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621
7027	7030	7031	7507	7563	7565	7651


LM	694	8:37	8:39			
TDC	2791	8:35	8:41			
1.21 GW	20	8:33	8:43			
CHS	3044	8:31	8:45			
FP	639	2875	8:47			
FLCN	1860	358	8:49			
JSM	7400	250	8:51			
SS	6880	4508	8:53			
145	334	1493				
1665	3799	5149				
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621
7027	7030	7031	7507	7563	7565	7651

1493 please

When I was little, I loved playing with this one toy known as T-Rx, lets see how lucky Team 145 T-Rx will be :slight_smile:

LM	694	8:37	8:39			
TDC	2791	8:35	8:41			
1.21 GW	20	8:33	8:43			
CHS	3044	1493	8:45			
FP	639	2875	8:47			
FLCN	1860	358	8:49			
JSM	7400	250	8:51			
SS	6880	4508	8:53			
145	334					
1665	3799	5149				
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621
7027	7030	7031	7507	7563	7565	7651

LM	694	8:37	8:39			
TDC	2791	8:35	8:41			
1.21 GW	20	145	8:43			
CHS	3044	1493	8:45			
FP	639	2875	8:47			
FLCN	1860	358	8:49			
JSM	7400	250	8:51			
SS	6880	4508	8:53			
1665	3799	5149				
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621
7027	7030	7031	7507	7563	7565	7651

TDC would like to select team 334 TechKnights

LM	694	8:37	8:39			
TDC	2791	334	8:41			
1.21 GW	20	145	8:43			
CHS	3044	1493	8:45			
FP	639	2875	8:47			
FLCN	1860	358	8:49			
JSM	7400	250	8:51			
SS	6880	4508	8:53			
1665	3799	5149				
5881	5943	5964	6300	6463	6484	6621
7027	7030	7031	7507	7563	7565	7651