[FF]: [TSL]: Alamo Regional

Team SuperPowerMatic 	8:00	9:47	9:48				
Rotten Peach Alliance 	8:05	9:44	9:49				
SHARP Cheddar 		8:10	9:41	9:50				
LTown Throwdown 	8:15	9:38	9:51				
Falcon 			8:20	9:35	9:52				
PureMichigan 		8:25	9:32	9:53				
Frog Farce 		8:30	9:29	9:54				
Swamp Life 		8:35	9:26	9:55				
The Yellow Alliance 	8:40	9:23	9:56				
The Breakfast Company 	8:45	9:20	9:57				
Daedalite InVAders 	8:50	9:17	9:58				
Orange Juice 		8:55	9:14	9:59				
Koko's X-Cats 		9:00	9:11	10:00				
Brolliance Beta 	9:05	9:08	10:01				
231	233	457	499	653	1296	1726	1868
2158	2415	2468	2583	2721	2789	2805	2833
2881	2969	3029	3035	3043	3103	3240	3305
3320	3335	3345	3366	3481	3561	3679	3700
3743	3961	3997	3999	4063	4219	4332	4335
4378	4412	4597	4610	4641	4670	4696	4721
4734	4747	4989	5047	5052	5103	5241	5639
5681	5726	5741	5754	5755			

I can’t start until 8. I’ll make this pretty when it starts, don’t have much time now.

LTown Throwdown’s list is in.

I have lists from SHARP Chedder, LTown Throwdown, PureMichigan, myself, TYA, Daedalite InVAders, Orange Juice and Koko’s X-Cats. Ready to start whenever the rest are turned in or picks are made.

Team SuperPowerMatic 	3029	4219	4335				
Rotten Peach Alliance 	4696	3700	2881				
SHARP Cheddar 		233	457	3999				
LTown Throwdown 	2468	1296	653				
Falcon 			1868	5726	2969				
PureMichigan 		2415	3997	3305			
Frog Farce 		2158	231	4412			
Swamp Life 		4747	5741	4989			
The Yellow Alliance 	4063	1726	4641	
The Breakfast Company 	4610	3240	9:57				
Daedalite InVAders 	3103	2805	9:58				
Orange Juice 		499	4721	9:59				
Koko's X-Cats 		3481	2789	10:00				
Brolliance Beta 	3335	5052	10:01				
2583	2721	2833
3035	3043
3320	3345	3366	3561	3679
3743	3961	3999	4332
4378	4597	4670
4734	5047	5103	5241	5639
5681	5754	5755			

Falcon takes 1868.

Final results:

Team SuperPowerMatic 	3029	4219	4335				
Rotten Peach Alliance 	4696	3700	2881				
SHARP Cheddar 		233	457	3999				
LTown Throwdown 	2468	1296	653				
Falcon 			1868	5726	2969				
PureMichigan 		2415	3997	3305			
Frog Farce 		2158	231	4412			
Swamp Life 		4747	5741	4989			
The Yellow Alliance 	4063	1726	4641	
The Breakfast Company 	4610	3240	5754				
Daedalite InVAders 	3103	2805	3320		
Orange Juice 		499	4721	5639			
Koko's X-Cats 		3481	2789	5755			
Brolliance Beta 	3335	5052	4597		
2583	2721	2833
3035	3043
3345	3366	3561	3679
3743	3961	3999	4332
4378	4670
4734	5047	5103	5241

Quite a few no shows, Team SuperPowerMatic, Rotten Peach Alliance, Rotten Peach Alliance, Swamp Life, The Breakfast Company, and Brolliance Beta.

Ooops. I forgot to send Brolliance’s list over.

Can you rerun the draft from their first pick as soon as it arrives?

Sure, assuming no picks other than from the lists and your first pick?

Correct. (And I was going to take random for my second two anyways.)

Team SuperPowerMatic 	3029	3700	4219
Rotten Peach Alliance 	4696	5741	4335
SHARP Cheddar 		233	457	2881
LTown Throwdown 	2468	1296	653
Falcon 			1868	3240	2969
PureMichigan 		2415	3997	3305
Frog Farce 		2158	231	3999
Swamp Life 		4747	4721	4989
The Yellow Alliance 	4063	1726	4641
The Breakfast Company 	4610	5052	5754
Daedalite InVAders 	3103	2805	4412
Orange Juice 		499	3335	5639
Koko's X-Cats 		3481	2789	5755
Brolliance Beta 	5681	5726	4597