[FF]: [TSL]: Central Illinois Tier 2

Swamp Life 		7:00	7:51	7:52				
The Breakfast Company 	7:05	7:48	7:53				
Koko's X-Cats 		7:10	7:45	7:54				
PureMichigan 		7:15	7:42	7:55				
Frog Farce 		7:20	7:39	7:56				
Falcon 			7:25	7:36	7:57				
LTown Throwdown 	7:30	7:33	7:58				
63	111	171	648	876	938	1701	1736
1739	1756	2022	2039	2040	2081	2220	2358
2457	2481	2512	2704	2856	3067	3201	3507
3528	3928	4009	4028	4096	4143	4156	4212
4213	4314	4646	5442	5537	5665
Swamp Life 		2481	7:51	7:52			
The Breakfast Company 	2039	7:48	7:53			
Koko's X-Cats 		4143	7:45	7:54			
PureMichigan 		3528	7:42	7:55			
Frog Farce 		1756	7:39	7:56			
Falcon 			111	7:36	7:57			
LTown Throwdown 	7:30	7:33	7:58			
63	171	648	876	938	1701	1736
1739	2022	2040	2081	2220	2358	
2457	2512	2704	2856	3067	3201	3507
3928	4009	4028	4096	4156	4212	
4213	4314	4646	5442	5537	5665	

Swamp Life 		2481	7:51	7:52			
The Breakfast Company 	2039	7:48	7:53			
Koko's X-Cats 		2512	7:45	7:54			
PureMichigan 		3528	7:42	7:55			
Frog Farce 		1756	7:39	7:56			
Falcon 			111	7:36	7:57			
LTown Throwdown 	7:30	7:33	7:58			
63	171	648	876	938	1701	1736
1739	2022	2040	2081	2220	2358	
2457		2704	2856	3067	3201	3507
3928	4009	4028	4096	4143 4156	4212	
4213	4314	4646	5442	5537	5665	

Swamp Life 		2481	3507	876		
The Breakfast Company 	2039	4009	7:53		
Koko's X-Cats 		2512	4156	7:54		
PureMichigan 		3528	2081	7:55		
Frog Farce 		1756	3928	7:56		
Falcon 			111	171	7:57		
LTown Throwdown 	4143	4096	7:58		
63	648	938	1701	1736	
1739	2022	2040	2220	2358	
2457	2704	2856	3067	3201	
4028	4212				
4213	4314	4646	5442	5537	5665

Swamp Life 		2481	3507	876	
The Breakfast Company 	2039	4009	2358	
Koko's X-Cats 		2512	4156	4213	
PureMichigan 		3528	2081	2220	
Frog Farce 		1756	3928	1701	
Falcon 			111	171	1736	
LTown Throwdown 	4143	4096	5537	
63	648	938		
1739	2022	2040		
2457	2704	2856	3067	3201
4028	4212			
4314	4646	5442	5665	

Please switch LTowns picks for 5665 and 2220
Edit: keep 4143, swap the other two.

Swamp Life 		2481	3507	876	
The Breakfast Company 	2039	4009	2358	
Koko's X-Cats 		2512	4156	4213	
PureMichigan 		3528	2081	2220	
Frog Farce 		1756	3928	1701	
Falcon 			111	171	1736	
LTown Throwdown 	4143	5665	5537	
63	648	938		
1739	2022	2040		
2457	2704	2856	3067	3201
4028  4096   4212			
4314	4646	5442	5665	

Can’t do the other–PureMi got 'em.

I’m actually ok with those picks so that works out.

Drop last for 63