Field Interaction Photos and Videos

Here’s a bunch of pictures and videos we took today in NH. Sorry it’s all unedited, but I figured everyone would rather have it sooner than wait for me to clean them up.

Hope this helps, we got as much as we could and it was especially busy.



Much help!

Super helpful! Thank you

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Agreed on the ‘Super Helpful’. TYVM!

Hey! I think that’s my hand --and maybe tape measure. Thanks for the better photos than I could ever do.

By the way, that series of photos at the switch with the guy drinking – get that food off the Field! :eek:

Thanks for uploading these Dan, I was the one that took them. If anyone has any questions on any of them, let me know and I will do what i can to answer any questions. I also have some GoPro footage I’m going to upload and post as well. It may cover anything the pictures missed.

Hope they help!

Wow these are great photos, thank you!

These are awesome! Thanks!


When you were experimenting with the portal, in what orientation did cubes land on the ground? Did it depend on how hard you pushed them out?

Depends on how fast you push

Here’s a good video:

Can the cubes slide from the carpet, over the exchange ramp and into the exchange without being lifted?

What material is the ramp/platform made of, that surrounds the scale?
Is it slick or high friction?



Hi, do you know If the only place that have something to hold on that stays in the field for the climb is the rungs on top? Or there is some other place on the scale?

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No, there is a lip of about a 1/4" that the cube gets caught on. The ramp that goes up into the exchange. they can be pushed in from the top of the cube but they roll into the opening. Here is a video demonstrating it

Here is a picture of it it is a hard slick textured surface. I think the best comparison is the hard plastic stall dividers in restrooms.

No, the only thing you can attach to is the rung