File Inclusion

Heres what I’m after:

Our team has created a backup limit switch system for our robot, and to challenge myself, I’m making it so that the limit switches add together and depending on the number reached, the arm of our robot will either be allowed to move up or it will remain in its current position until a down signal is recieved from the controller. now, I’m having an issue with negative numbers, and I’m attempting to get easyC to include the ANSI header file “stdlib.h” to allow me to use the absolute value function, however, easyC has a seizure when I attempt to include the file… any suggestions? I’ve tried placing the file in the same folder as “UserAPI.h” [or whatever it’s called], but to no result.

One solution would be to just write your own absolute value function.

int abs(int x){
        return x*-1;
    return x;

but do keep in mind that I’m using easyC, so writing my own function would be a headache. I just want to include “stdlib.h” to shorten the time until completion. an issue I noticed is that the file isn’t being properly included because easyC won’t put the next #include function in quotes

it looks something similar to this:

#include "UserAPI.h"

#include stdlib.h

if anyone knows how to include the quotes, please let me know. and yes, I have tried just typing the filename to include in quotes… [if only it were that simple…]

Maybe you can just count up each time the limit switch is pressed. Then to check the state you can see if the limit switch counter variable is even or odd. You can do this by dividing by 2 and using the remainder (zero=even, 1=odd). I don’t know the c commands for remainders, as I do most of my programming in VBScript. Usually there is a mod function that is a truncated division (gives the integer portion of the quotient and drops the remainder). IF you subtract the integer mod quotient from the real# quotient you can check the real # answer. If it is zero you’ve got an even #. If it is not zero you’ve got an odd number.

Than again, if you can;t use and absolute value function without including it, you probably won’t be able to use a mod function either. Anyway, I hope this helps you to some degree.