FIM States Cutoff

After the three events finished today, what do we think the cutoff will be? I’m thinking 61 before declines, just curious about what others think.

From what I’ve looked at, after tomorrow I’m predicting 60 to be the cutoff, but 60 will not be enough for some teams, if that makes a sense. 61 will guarantee you get in but some will get in with 60.

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I think that is correct. Two qualifying events will finish Sunday 4/10 and then we’ll know for sure.


What are the tiebreakers for DCMP/CMP qualification? I don’t remember seeing that in the manual (but I could just be forgetting)

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It’s in section 11.8.1

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Ok. My team is at 60, I think we might get in from declines but trying not to get my hopes up. It’s gonna be close

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