Finger Lakes Regional 2007 Cheers

Does anyone have a favorite Finger Lakes cheer? Here were some good ones:

I’m definitely going to have to say the “Go MOE” chant was the best.

I love 250’s. Piggy Piggy Piggy!

Now that is truly my favorite cheer. We have been cheering with 250 since last year and that is the one I remember and love. Another 250 cheer was like “we eat bacon” or something like that really puzzled me.

I really like 250’s cheer Piggy Piggy Piggy it got EVERYONES attention!

This was our cheer


Loved that cheer too, it should be added to the poll. Thank you to all teams for a very spirited and exciting FLR.

I have to say i have always liked MOE’s cheer but I still miss the cheer with the MOE sticks.

I told them they should have brought them.
They might not be welcome anywhere else but anywhere else aint FLR.
Come back and bring the MOE sticks.
Be loud. Be proud.

The FIRST powers that be must get 250 in the same division as 1902 just for the opportunity of having the all-time hybrid cheer if they work together:
Two great taste that taste great together.
The kind of moments that make life worth living.

Koko Ed:

We actually had one lone pair of MOE sticks, but use them sparingly at FLR. Now that we know, we might be showing up at RIT this time next year making a lot more noise! :smiley:

Why wait til next year?
Bring em’ to the Ruckus!:smiley:

Yeah, Ed! Advertising for Ruckus so early?!

Its never too early to advertise for Ruckus. I could hear 250’s Piggies all the way from the pit. They were defiantly laud and proud. I wish I could have seen the MOE sticks, bring them the next time you are up.

i was talking to karthik to get 1114 down here awhile ago too! :stuck_out_tongue:

I may be a little biased (ok maybe a lot) but I love the Piggy Piggy Piggy! I can’t believe this was my last year, but it was an amazing send off.:]

We need 24 teams this year.

I bet he could raise $50 for pie in the eye easily.

This Topic: I’m going to try very early to get 174 over here for it. It takes them a lot of planning and convincing to get them out of the school and into the off-season realm.

Main Topic: I very much enjoyed 250’s cheer. Though my favorite of all cheers goes to 461(?) Let’s all Go Nuts - Robots Robots

The Psyche cheer is just one of about 20 we practice to use at competition.
We even have a book to help us memorize them all.

piggy piggy piggy was hillarious :slight_smile:

I think most of ours were “borrowed”…
I believe that robots rock…
(and I think there are 5 or 6 more that they created/adapted for our team…)

I have to say my alltime favorite (although Im not sure if this qualifies as a cheer) is learning the rollercoaster from the Pink team in Boston last year!

and i have to say I dont know where they got the MOTIVATED/DEDICATED one… but thats my least favorite lol.

Offtopic: I bet we could easily handle 36 teams this year… For any team that signs up that didnt go last year, or is 40+ miles from Rochester, we will give you a free Ruckus shirt as an invitation!! (1511 has cool Harris bags & some goodies to go with it!!)