Source: COVID-19 Impact on FIRST Events | FIRST
Lot’s of other threads going on so trying to consolidate.
Source: COVID-19 Impact on FIRST Events | FIRST
Lot’s of other threads going on so trying to consolidate.
Oh boy
FIRST made the right decision. Hopefully everyone can show off their robots a little bit more in this off season. Good luck everyone!
I think I’m in the FIRST stage of grief and in shock
This is not surprising with everything else being cancelled. I wouldnt be surprised if the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is cancelled as well.
Like I said in a previous post, there’s still plenty that can be done. The extra time can be used to contribute back into the community and perform some outreach. Improvements can be made on the robot, just for fun. Cool robot reveal videos can be made. It sucks to be in this position, but I think it is still possible to have a good time in the coming weeks.
also, F in the chat for all the teams that couldn’t compete
Well, class of 2020, looks like we’re done.
The wording cites a “suspension,” which may or may not have a different meaning than the “postponement” of all the other events planned. Any idea if any of these events will be made up, or will it be on a case-by-case basis?
I do understand that a 2020 champs won’t be taking place.
sad robot noises
I appreciate them making this decision. While I enjoy competing, I prioritize having certain robotics-related people stick around in my life even more.
I kinda feel like if they never reschedule graduating seniors should get another season if they want…
Many graduating seniors will be going far away from their hometowns in the fall. There really is no making this up.
It’s been real, finite recharge.
So I just waisted 447 hrs and 32 minutes?
At least I can knock out my eagle project now.
So much for senior year.
Best wishes to all seniors; sorry for the disappointing end.
Good luck with that
Also this reminds me of a certain other season shutdown
Anyways, unfortunate news, my team is really sad about it and we’ll have to start making plans for the future over the coming weeks
We should all work together to make a video tribute to this year’s season and all of the teams’ hard work.
Well time for offseason.
I got a lot of programming plans.
Remember it says the season is suspended, the CMP’s are cancelled.
It’s much too hard to reschedule a CMP.
Various areas may work to resume the season in the summer or fall.