I don’t know if this has been pointed out before, but it seems as if FIRST recycles a general theme for games every 4 year.
This theory begins in 2003 as FIRST introduced STACK ATTACK and the autonomous mode. I believe at this time the GDC made a decision to streamline the cycle at which games came out. This cycle follows the traditional High School career of 4 years in the US, to ensure that each FRC student got a well-rounded experience. Those themes were: lifting game (somewhat different object is scored through a lift type mechanism), game with ball 1(not necessarily shooting, and other important game objectives and objects), unusual object game, game with ball 2 (goals on opposite sides with very few other game objects, most commonly shooting). Here is an analysis based on each game: (L=lifting, GB1=Game with ball 1,U= unusual object game, GB2=Game with ball 2)
2016: FIRST Stronghold GB1
- Shooting balls into towers
- Defenses are the other game objective/objects, as well as scaling.
2015: Recycle Rush L
- Lifting totes into stacks
- Don’t want to say anything else about this game
2014: Aerial Assist GB2
- Goals on opposite sides of field
- Shooting trackballs into those goals.
- Not many other game objects and objectives (truss isn’t huge as you didn’t really need to make a new mechanism for it)
2013: Ultimate Ascent U
-Score frisbees (unusual object) into goals.
-Could say the pyramids were also somewhat unusual.
2012: Rebound Rumble GB1
-One may argue it is a GB2, as it has goals on opposite sides and is a pretty traditional type of game.
-Not really as another game objects in bridges.
-Larger emphasis on bridges than hanging in 2010.
2011: Logomotion** L**
-Teams organized pool tubes into the FIRST logo on a rack.
-Teams designed lift mechanism which would place the tubes onto said rack.
2010: Breakaway** GB2**
-More traditional (pretty much robot soccer) with goals on opposite sides.
-Shooting/punching balls into goals
-Hanging was included, but not a huge emphasis.
2009: Lunacy U
-Moon rocks and cells are unusual game pieces
-Could say that the crater (the field) was also an unusual object.
2008: FIRST Overdrive GB1
-Teams circled through the field
-Not traditional shooting game
-Trackballs scored over overpass (extra game objective).
2007: Rack 'n Roll** L**
-Pool tubes scored onto rack.
-Lifting mechanism for scoring tubes onto multiple heights on rack.
2006: Aim High** GB2**
-Goals on opposite sides of field.
-No extra game objects besides goal and ramp in front of it.
-Emphasis on shooting in goals (and defense).
2005: Triple Play U
-Unique game piece in tetras (place on goals)
2004: FIRST Frenzy: Raising the Bar** GB 1**
-Mobile goals and hanging bar (extra game objects)
-less shooting more placing
-Goals are not on opposite sides of field (less traditional)
2003: Stack Attack L
-Start of the cycle
-Teams stack and attack stacks of totes.
-Teams used lifting mechanisms to stack
If this pattern continues 2017 will be an unusual object game. Perhaps, teams trying to score tetras on to the 2013 pyramids, as human players throw moon rocks to knock them off, at the end teams must put their alliance flags on top of the pyramid.
Thanks for reading! All feedback is greatly appreciated! (I know many of the GB1s and 2s are very similar)