FIRST and FVC News: Redesigned Web Site

TO: FRC Teams / FVC Teams
FROM: George Marchant, Director, FIRST Vex Challenge
John Marchiony, Chief Marketing Officer, FIRST ([email protected])
SUBJECT: FIRST News: Redesigned Web Site

The FIRST team has been redesigning the web site at and
we will go live on Tuesday, December 5th at 1 pm EST.

Our web site plays a very important role in serving existing and
prospective members of the FIRST community. The new web site delivers
significant improvements in ease-of-use and navigation, as well as in
presenting the FIRST vision.

To find the content you are most accustomed to in the old site, you’ll
want to go to the tab on the top navigation bar entitled Already
Involved and select the option for your program. The What We Do area
has program information we created for people who are new to FIRST and
want an overview. Please encourage prospective teams you know or
meet to visit the Get Involved area that has specific information
about starting a team.

That’s one example of how we designed the new site. Our inclusive
approach to redesigning the site was informed by guiding principles and
tasked with specific business and program objectives:

Guiding Principles
·Improved Usability/User Interface - create a simple,
easy-to-navigate site experience for FIRST’s key audiences.
·Continuity - avoid disruptions of web site’s ability to serve
ongoing operational needs of FIRST programs.
·Enhanced Tool for Volunteers new web site makes volunteers
more effective.
·Improved Brand/Visual Presentation upgrade the overall
graphic standard and Look & Feel of the site.
·Resource Efficiency - cost-effective solutions, measured in
both dollars and people. Efficient process to manage ongoing
maintenance and content updates.
·Expandability - build a strong core now, which allows for more
in-depth web-based communications efforts in the future.

·Deliver a clear, powerful FIRST brand identity
·Function as an efficient and effective communications vehicle for FIRST programs
·Provide ease-of-use/navigation
·Install an efficient content management system
·Institute a cost-efficient development and ongoing maintenance

Key Audiences

  1. Current FIRST Community (FRC, FVC, FLL, JFLL, FIRST Place)
    · Teams (mentors, students, parents, team volunteers)
    · Event Volunteers
    · Sponsors/Donors
    · Regional Staff
    · FIRST BOD/Staff
  2. Potential FIRST Community
    · Potential Teams (mentors, students, parents, volunteers)
    · Potential Volunteers
    · Potential Sponsors/Donors
  3. Media
    · Local, Regional, National and International Print, Broadcast, and
    Electronic Journalists Process

To develop a site that would meet the needs of key audiences, we engaged
diverse members of the FIRST community. We sought and received valuable
input from teams, mentors, volunteers, and internal and external staff
representing all programs through site map input sessions, design
reviews, and a series of user group FIRST feedback sessions.The result
is a site designed and built to better meet the needs of the FIRST

Please visit our new site and share your thoughts and
recommendations. Your feedback, both positive and suggestive, will
help us to continue improving the site each week and month. We have a
specific page for Web site Feedback in the Contact Us section of the
Quick Links.


  • FVC Team Support

Note that FIRST now maintains an email Blast archive on their website at:

Anyone else think the new website is really slow?

For discussion about the new FIRST website, please go to this thread:
