FIRST, Battlebots to Merge

According to the news agency, Journalists of Ohio and Knighted Elders, FIRST and Battlebots will merge to create a single entity called “Battlebots Undermining Recognition of Science and Technology”, or BURST.

The competition will be similar to Battlebots in that there will be several robots on the playing field at once, and they will be trying to destroy each other. It will be similar to FIRST in that there will be several robots on the field.

Asked why he finally let FIRST be bought out by Battlebots, an organization that he has publicly denounced, Dean Kamen said, "Well, it doesn’t look like the Segway is going to sell as well as we thought, and I lost a lot on that Enron debacle, and hey, I need dough like anybody, huh?

hahahahahahaha. happy april fools day to you too!

please say it’s a joke…

Indeed, if it wasn’t april fools day, I’d say this should go in the Rumors section!

*Originally posted by Chubtoad *
**Indeed, if it wasn’t april fools day, I’d say this should go in the Rumors section! **

Yeah, but it’s not a rumor so much as just an out-and-out lie. But it’s all in good fun. :smiley:

Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?:wink:

that would be so awesome! all the things that first has (soccer balls, goals, funding and a really cool founder that floats around on a rolling gyro lazy boy) just eliminating just about every rule that we hate!!! like aggresion vs violence!!!

                         TO ITS LIMITS!!!!!!!!!!

They did create a new battlebots IQ though. I think it will be aired. They filmed it last weekend in Orlando. Some of the members of our team attended because they invited us to attend. I didn’t go but it’s battlebots except High School students made the bots. At least, that is what I think it was.