FIRST Choice 2023

Just read an email that states " Round 1 of FIRST Choice opens today Thursday, November 17, at 12 noon Eastern Time and closes Thursday, December 1. The lead mentor 1 or 2 from a secured or event registered team may peruse FIRST Choice, populate Priority Lists, and prioritize items for Round 1"

and I thought that there was usually a list of items available before it opened. Perhaps I am mistaken because the list of everything is empty. Anyway, I guess we’ll see what’s on it soon!

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Yea, I’m pretty sure the list usually is usually available on the site before, I think I was able to see the items last year before it opened and I ordered. I guess we will see in 2 hours!

I can’t possibly imagine what might be distracting people at FIRST HQ when it comes to COTS items offered through FIRST Choice.


Hahaha yea I realized after I posted that. Especially with the removal of IFI products from the FIRST choice and KOP, they’re probably still figuring out what they’re doing. Also, I don’t see VexPro as a FIRST choice supplier. Have they been in the past, or is this a new doing because of recent events?

I have no idea.

They weren’t a 2022 supplier.

I have a feeling they already weren’t a 2023 supplier either, but don’t know.

You have time after FIRST Choice opens to review and pick what you’d like into your priority list, and I don’t recall if it was populated with real products before opening in the past. My recollection is that it was just fake before, and maybe they just didn’t do that step this year. So I expect they will have parts up in a couple hours.

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FUN shared a statement they received from first (after a media inquiry):

IFI was a supplier to FIRST Robotics Competition Kit of Parts through the 2021 season. Since then, FIRST has declined any further support from or relationship with IFI. This policy persists for the foreseeable future. We have no plans to make VEXPro parts illegal for use in the FIRST Robotics Competition.

Based on that statement, I doubt the recent stuff has had an impact on what’s in FIRSTChoice, but it may have had an impact on the availability of staff to get stuff done :slight_smile:




FIRST Choice opens at noon, and I’m assuming it will be roughly the same process as in prior years.

Typically that’s been that nothing goes live on the website until noon on the launch day (November 17th at noon EST for 2023). This includes the items available. I remember for the last several years frantically looking up the freshly released list as I went to lunch.

With the dates outlined above, you’ve got 2 weeks to browse the offerings and create your priority list. Really no reason for them to post the list “early”.

Teams that don't make make their FC priority list, or don't add enough credits.



Yeah, not really anything changing from last years process. Just remember, the action on each day listed happens at NOON, 12PM Eastern Time, US.

And if you have any issues or hear of people that do, email [email protected], things are handled in order they appear there and is a record of time of seeing the error. There is more logging, but this is good information!

Good luck everyone!


Any hints to whether to expect 2nd round to have more “good stuff” like last year, or did more come in for round 1 this time?

Thanks again for all you do to make FIRST Choice happen, and we’ll be sure to pass the word along for other teams to take advantage of this great program.

This doesn’t open until noon either, right? This is the same message we’ve had for a while, I just want to make sure my dashboard is working correctly.

As far as I understand, this doesn’t open till about right now either. But I’m not FIRST IT, so :man_shrugging:

I got no hints for ya, sorry, but you can see what is in Round 1 now.


It is live.

edit: Thanks to all the FC suppliers. Round 1 is looking good.

Is this expected? Am I to believe that us getting Neo’s last year prevents us from getting them this year, or is it a glitch?

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Double check it’s not already in your cart? :woman_shrugging: See Jerry’s Reply below.

Can anyone here post the number of credits available in round 1? I don’t have a school board credit card handy to start our list just yet.

Also, has it been posted yet if these will be all our credits for the year, or if more will be given to us at kickoff? I recall this changing from year to year.

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Same “glitch” I forget about every year… going to fix that now. Give me a few.


Looks like 860