Well, we got screwed did you guys get anything good for First Choice?
Yeah we only used 94 credits. Should have put a lot more on our priority list than usual.
Unfortunately, compared to round 1, the ratio of valuable items to credits allotted was exceptionally high. Coupled with the changes to CAW rules this year, anyone who put game pieces first on their list wasn’t in for a very nice time.
We had Talons first on our list and got 0.
We didn’t get any of the motor controllers we asked for. It sucks, but I’m not too concerned about the CAW thing since I don’t think we could reasonably hit the budget limit.
At least there were enough gyros for everyone?
We got enough retroreflective tape to last us through my retirement.
Wow. Same exact result!
I think we did ok, all things considered. I guess there were not very many speed controllers available.
Thanks to AndyMark for doing this!
We got game pieces and a compressor. No talons motors or flex wheels for us.
For those that are unaware he must log on to andymark select your account and go to your orders to see this list. Thanks for the donation andymark
I got the email a little while ago.
I put a Talon SRX first and got it. Sorry, folks. Got a Hatch Panel second, a lead screw, two green ring lights, and a rotary encoder. Didn’t get the limit switches I put in round 6 and didn’t use all my credits (I think we have about 30 left).
Other than the Talon and the HP, I wasn’t really sure what to pick. We purchased a bunch of NEO motors and SparkMax controllers, but apparently the CAN bus support is not ready yet, so we’re not using them for our drive system. Might use them on a gizmo. Wanted to get at least one Talon so it could be discounted on the BOM, so I put that first.
I am still really figuring all this out, but I guess I had a good lottery number.
Got what we wanted. 2 NEOs, a MAX Motor Controller, more game pieces, and a compressor.
2 neos, 2 spark max, 1 hatch, and 1 cargo. Did not get any talons.
1 Neo, 1 Spark, cargo, hatch, reflective tape.
I believe CAN bus is now working with latest updates
I got some great pneumatics components so I am pretty happy. Saved plenty of my Round 1 points luckily.
Game pieces, flex wheels, and retroreflective tape. Had Talons ranked #1 on our list and got none.
I was happy with ours, we’re getting:
A hatch panel
One fancy gyro and one regular gyro
A compressor and pressure regulator
Two of the photoeyes
Reflective tape
Pressure gauges
Spent 540 credits, we saved a bunch from round 1 because we didn’t like the options. I will note though we had 30 items totaling nearly 1500 credits and made it really far down the list (to item 27).