Has anyone been successful running their FIRST Choice Victor 888’s on the roboRio?
Running java, the Victors will not respond to PWM input (orange blinking light when roboRio is enabled) I thought the Victor was defective, but we tried all 4 obtained from FIRST Choice and none work. Using the same code with Talons (using both Victor and Talon classes) work nominally.
I verified the students connected all wires up correctly, so definitely not a wiring issue. PDP connected to V+/V- side and PWM in correct position and inserted tightly.
Talons working with PWM or CAN?
If it is wired right then it’s a software issue.
Pull down the minimal code sample and use that.
Using previous year’s talons working with PWM. As I said, using the exact same code (Victor class) and swapping the exact same PWM wire from the Victor to the Talon runs the Talon fine. Happy to post my minimal Sample Robot code if you’d like…
I’ll try running previous year’s Victors on the roboRio, and these on last year’s cRio, to see if there’s any difference.
Victors are absolutely horrible to plug in with pwm wires. If you have blinking orange lights then they are not getting any command over pwm at all, and I would wager good money that you aren’t plugging them in correctly.
Our Victor 888’s all work fine of course. The same with 5 or 6 teams I’ve been with.
It’s almost certainly the PWM plug at the Victor end.
If memory serves, the Victor was blinking yellow, three pulses, then a pause, over and over. Tried reseating the cable a couple of times, still no response.
When you reseat the connector (while the robot is Enabled) try tilting it towards the back of the Victor and inserting it, then if that fails try tilting it more towards the front and inserting it. Sort of probe with it through all angles. The internal connector might not be directly under the opening and the pins are probably sliding down the outside (of the inside).
As a test you could remove the cover from one Victor and that way be sure to make the connection, since the socket will be visible. Once you get one to work it’ll give you confidence that the covered ones will work.
Or having a solid connection will reveal other issues.
*What Mark said.
Or, make a test cable with individual pins at the Victor end instead of the normal PWM plug.
Insert the pins one at a time, using a good flashlight to make sure they are engaging properly.