FIRST Day at the Connecticut Science Center - June 6, 2010

FIRST Day at the Connecticut Science Center
Sunday, June 6, 2010 10AM - 5PM

To launch the Connecticut Science Center’s newest traveling exhibit, Robots + Us](, the Science Center and CT FIRST have teamed up to create a special day just for you! This exhibit offers a playful look at how biology and engineering are coming together to close the gap between reality and our robotic dreams. Build your own jitterbug robot. Visit Low Life Labs and find out what robot designers are learning from ants, cockroaches, and other simple forms of life. Come explore this incredible world of robotics and enjoy live science demos throughout the day.

For more information, including discounts, visit the CT [i]FIRST website.

And while you’re at the Science Center, don’t forget to check out the FIRST exhibit]( on the 4th floor.

If you’re in FRC, do yourself a favor.

Buy a plane ticket, get a bus pass, steal a plane, whatever it takes- but get to Connecticut and see this. I’ve been to the Science Center three times since the opening, and every time it’s something different and fun. And this exhibit just sounds awesome. Also, the permanent FIRST exhibit is a lot of fun.

I got to oppertunity to also get a look at the Science Center behind the scenes, and I can say that I’m looking forwoard for more things to come.

So yeah, go steal that plane and go see this :smiley: