**FIRST EMAIL**/Awards Submission Deadlines!

Greetings Teams:

Here is a reminder of upcoming award deadlines:

Website Design Award: February 14, 2008 at 11:59 p.m. EST

Autodesk Visualization – February 15, 2008, 5:00 p.m. PST (via Firstbase)

Woodie Flowers and Chairman’s Award: February 21, 2008 at 11:59 p.m. EST

Autodesk InventorFebruary 27, 2008, 5:00 p.m. PST (via Firstbase)

Tip! Teams can log into www.firstawards.org and make edits to their entries prior to the deadlines. Don’t forget to click on “Submit” when completed!

We also urge teams to bear in mind technical (i.e., connectivity, loss of power, computer freezes, etc.) issues can occur and potentially impact completion of your submission. Please allow enough time to trouble shoot these issues (i.e., do not wait until just before deadline time to submit.) as FIRST will not provide extensions.

If you are unsure as to whether or not you have submitted, please log back on to www.firstawards.org and double check. For each entry that has been submitted, you will clearly see ‘SUBMITTED’ in big bold letters on the awards submittal box. You can view a screen shot example at http://www.usfirst.org/community/frc/content.aspx?id=4624

In the case of the Woodie Flowers Award and/or the Regional Chairman’s Award, click on the award to view the submission. We encourage teams to save a copy of this submission on their computers and print it out for their records in case it should be needed in the future. If you have clicked submit and the screen does not show your submission, you must contact support@firstawards immediately.

Rookie All Star Award Special Note
Rookie teams who want their submission to be considered by the judges for the Rookie All Star award need to print a copy and take it to the regional events with them to give to the judges when visited in the Pit. NASA Grant teams should always retain a copy of this file in their team records.

Go Teams!

Thanks for the reminder: I still need to finish our team website. :slight_smile:

Good luck to everyone competeting!

The FIRST email blasts don’t always cut and paste cleanly, so you only saw up to the point where the post editor threw away the bulk of the original message.

Then I got distracted by work, before I could come back and fix my post.

Sorry about that…