**FIRST EMAIL**/Event Registration Sept 30/Extended Team Support Hours/Bag and Tag/ST

Greetings Teams:

Reminder: Email blasts are sent to Main and Alternate contacts to share important deadlines, reminders and updates with teams in a timely manner. Please read each email blast carefully and be sure to share this information with members of your team.

Initial Event Registration Opens September 30th @ 12 noon EST: Register for your initial Competition Event in TIMS beginning 9/30 @ 12 noon EST: https://my.usfirst.org/frc/tims/site.lasso.

Season Calendar and Important Deadlines for 2010-2011: http://usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/content.aspx?id=454

2011 Registration Pricing Structure and Payment Terms: http://usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/content.aspx?id=460

Extended Team Support Hours: In order to better assist teams during initial registration, Team Support representatives will be available at 1-800-871-8326 ext. 0.until 8 PM EST on 9/27-9/29.

Bag & Tag Events Announced: The much anticipated 2011 Bag & Tag Event list can be found on Bill’s Blog: http://frcdirector.blogspot.com/2010/09/bag-and-tag-and-so-much-more.html

FIRST Student Team Information Member System: The system that we call “STIMS” for short will open for the 2011 season on October 7th at 12 noon EST. Students need to log into to STIMS to reconnect with their teams. Parents need to go to STIMS to sign off on this year’s electronic Consent and Release forms. Main or Alternate team contacts need to log into TIMS to accept students and to assign student award submitters for this year.

STIMS: https://my.usfirst.org/frc/goteams/site.lasso

Clarification of Policy for Changing Team Contacts in TIMS: You may change your team’s contacts yourself by inviting a replacement in TIMS within the “Team Contacts” field. Please do not email FIRST requesting that we change the contacts for you—we do not touch teams’ personal information unless there are special circumstances.

If your main contact has switched schools, moved, or otherwise cannot be reached, you must contact your Regional Director and request that they authorize FIRST to manually make a team contact change. You can search for your Regional Director here: http://www.usfirst.org/regionalcontact.aspx . Your Regional Director will need to submit an email to [email protected] on your behalf in the following format:

To: [email protected]

Subject: Team Contact Change- Team ###

Body: Please remove ________ as the main contact for team ###. _________ is now the new main contact, and his/her preferred email address is ___________.

Go Teams!