**FIRST EMAIL**/FRC 2010 Event Schedule Now Available!

Greetings Teams:

Please go to http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/regionalevents.aspx?id=430 and http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/content.aspx?id=9508 to view the 2010 FRC season event schedules.

Event registration starts a week from today, Thursday, October 1st at 12:00 noon EST. If you have not yet updated your Team Profile Section in the Team Information Management System (TIMS) please do so at https://my.usfirst.org/frc/tims/site.lasso. Remember, you cannot register for an event until this section is updated!

Go Teams!

First this was double posted, then it wasn’t posted at all.
Must be my phone…

what type of event this is may i also register

What is the time that the first three people of the Pit Crew are allowed into the building? Specifically for the VCU/Siegel Center Regional… I think somebody said 7:30 or 8:00 earlier in the season but I can’t remember…

The schedule for the VCU Regional is posted here: http://www.usfirst.org/uploadedfiles/community/frc/events/2010/2010_VA_Agenda.pdf and it says 7:45 am to uncrate.
Other info about that Regional can be found here: https://my.usfirst.org/myarea/index.lasso?page=event_details&eid=3739&-session=myarea:C77D640507bde20B12Nus12271AD

Thank you! I recall seeing that now! Hope to see everyone there!