**FIRST EMAIL**/President's Circle Challenge Video Available Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 1

**FIRST EMAIL/President’s Circle Challenge Video Available Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 1st at 1:00 pm! **

Greetings Teams:

At 1:00 pm EDT tomorrow Tuesday, May 1st, please click on the “President’s Circle” headline on the FIRST home page at www.usfirst.org
to view FIRST President Paul Gudonis’ video announcement.

Go Teams!

any one know what this is about?

I think it has to do with the new thing FIRST is doing with YouTube in order to recruit new teams into the FIRST program. See this e-mail for more details on that.

Anyone else notice that 1pm on a Tuesday is kind of an odd hour to release something like this?

Us East Coast kids will still be in school :p.

hehe Neil… 3 hour time difference for the westcoast has them in school too:p

Looks like I’m spending lunch in the computer lab.

Patience is the key to FIRST.

anybody know how long this video is going to be

and note: if it is a link to youtube, most of the kids at school will be blocked out because of restrictions on the schools network

(good thing there is a stehl factory next door with wireless, i can get 2 bars from my 4th 5th and 6th period classes.)