FIRST Email - Translator request to FRC teams attending the CMP

Out to FRC teams…

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 13:58:18 -0500
From: FRC Teams <[email protected]>
Subject: FIRST Email/Translator request to FRC teams attending the CMP
Bcc: 3.22 FRC main batch2

Dear FRC Teams and Supporters:

The FIRST LEGO League (FLL) World Festival as part of the FIRST Championship in Atlanta Georgia, April 27 - 29, 2006 will have 84 teams from around the world representing 20 of the 31 countries that participate in the FLL Program.

We want to make the experience for our international FLL teams as positive and memorable as possible. One of the greatest struggles that they and we face, is clearly communicating at the event. While every international team does have someone who can speak some English, there are many instances where translation is still a big challenge.

We are contacting FRC teams and their supporters attending the Championship, to see if anyone is able to volunteer to translate for an FLL international team during the judging session on Thursday, April 27. The judging session last an hour (three sessions - each 15 minutes with a 5-minute break between each session). Teams are judged on the technical aspects of their robot and program, their research presentation, and a teamwork challenge. We will be developing the schedule for teams shortly, and will be able to let you know the time for the judging session.

Translators would help teams understand questions that the judges pose, and then translate their answers back to the judges.

We need translators for the following languages:

If you are interested in helping with translations, we would love to hear from you. Please follow this link: to find the form. Please fill out the attached form and email it to [email protected] by April 1st.

On behalf of the FLL Teams and the World Festival, thank you in advance for your help and support.


Betsy Daniels