The order form for additional trophies, medallions and banners is now available on line (please note the banners link will be active on May
1st.) You may print out the form found at:, complete the required information and either mail or fax to FIRST as indicated.
Please note, the shipping address must be available year round as trophies and medallions may not be shipped until sometime in June. You must include a check, money order or credit card information with your order, no purchase orders will be accepted. The deadline for ordering additional trophies and or medallions is May 21, 2004.
Is it too late to ask for a 2003 NYC FIRST Regional Winner Medal lol j/k
The prices aren’t that bad considering that this in case a team needed a few extra medals for those who didn;t have the chance to go to a competition. Or if they needed extra trophies to give to their sponsors.