FIRST has given us enough parts to make two robots. They gave us the EDU robot controller which is fine for using as the control board of a 2nd robot (they use in battlebots) and they gave us the two fisher price motors. We will be building a 2nd driver training bot in our spare time using the edurobot board and spare motors from this year coupled with speed controllers and the OI from last year. While the EDU-robot was a cool idea, I like its control board better =). What about you ladies and gentlemen?
But it doesn’t look as good :yikes:
No, it will look better. Since the 2nd bot isn’t competing, duct tape is allowed… I think that says it all.
In the EDU kit im pretty sure that everyone received the Robot Controller…which is smaller then usual…that is the one we use in Battle Bots…and my team also received 2 window motors. What is good about the EDU bots is you can build them based off how you are going to build you real FIRST bot, program the EDU bot and then just switch the program over. That is what my team is doing. We built the EDU bot exactly how we are going to have our FIRST bot, sensors and all…the only thing is getting our FIRST bot done.