FIRST has instructions on if you missed the deadline

They were extremely strict on teams that missed the opt in deadline only being able to submit to the Samarium group so I would only expect that teams that missed the submission deadline to also be equally or more so penalized.

I am also slightly annoyed with this too, but for the opposite reason: we had the past three weeks to work on all of these (we only just allowed in-person), so one more day would’ve allowed us to submit more of the challenges.


Appreciate you sharing that point! Glad your back in person.


We worked to get our numbers in on time and locked them in. They can’t be changed now. There is a possibility now that teams could use time beyond the deadline to try and achieve a higher score than than the top time, now that they know what the goal is and have an extended deadline. I hope FIRST will consider that when making decisions.

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In my opinion, if they have times submitted but not “locked in” and were locked in due to the deadline today and try and change them before the deadline tomorrow, this should not be allowed for this reason.

I think it’s going to be situational. I’m inclined to let “we uploaded everything but forgot to lock” go, because if the absence of an automatic lock isn’t a bug it feels like a bug. (FIRST Choice and event priority lists, for example, automatically lock.)

But I agree that the Samarium group is a fair solution for any situation that doesn’t cross the obvious-yes threshold. (I imagine it’s the size, but the tiny gaps between teams in that group almost feel more motivating.)

Amen to that.


This is a great point. I would totally agree with this.

After a long exhausting day and evening, we almost forgot to submit and lock also. Not sure why its not an auto lock until the deadline either.

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On Wednesday my computer could not access the entry page. I don’t know if it was something bad in the cache or my companies fire wall started blocking something. I ended up using my phone on mobile data. It was painful. I could see that being a reasonable excuse if I was trying close to the deadline. I do agree it should be auto submit and locking on the deadline.

Any #1’s drop as a result of the magical extended deadline yet?


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