There was an article in PLSN (Pro Lights and Staging News) about nationals. Theres some good lines about the competiton and more facts for all of us stat junkies on the AV stuff at nationals.

Graet Article. Thanks for sharing. I also have a love for A/V and Lighting.

Thanks for posting this! I have always loved talking with the AV guys at the various venues.

heh…they called us wiz kids… :D. Cool article. More press for first means more good things for first.

Oh, wow. You guys were all in the “A/V Club” in high school, weren’t you? :ahh:

(so was I)

The thing that stands out to me most is that that article not only did a great job explaing the A/V side of the competition, but it was better than most newspaper articles on FIRST in general!


Nothing against the robots that were in the photo but couldn’t they have found a better picture? How about those matches where 4 bots hung or an overview of Einstien during the finals?

Great artilce nonetheless. Glad to see we are getting significant media coverage on all of our hard work.


That’s a good article and just goes to show that you never know where FIRST will get publicity. :slight_smile:

That referee standing right in the middle of the picture on the left sure looks like Stu Bloom from the RoboDevils (1018). You may remember stu as one of the guys who got stuck in the Marta elevator for over an hour. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, and that was a really awesome article. One mistake that stood out though was that it said this is FIRST’s 10th year. I think maybe perhaps this was the 10th year for the Championships.

Nah, I was a Thespian instead, technical side of course. Because I got to build stuff and hang from the rafters instead of just running wires. :cool:

I still have my card someplace … I found it while looking for something else a year or so ago.

Andrew, is this in the June issue?

While I agree that an overview of one of the fields would have been better given the scope of the magazine, I think the picture shown is better then one will all 4 robots hanging. In those pictures, all you see is a mass of jumbled metal. In this one, you can at least see 2 distict robots.

(trying not to be too biased since my robot is one of the ones pictured).

Some of us love this stuff so much, we make our careers doing it :wink:

BTW, moving lights are really nothing more than robots, lots of stepper motors and gears. Take away the optics, and you could have a neat robot. All us moving light programmers do is tellthem what to do, and when. We are kind of where art meets technology.

I just got finished doing the Upfronts for the Univision network in new york. We had over 100 moving lights, and I ran a number of catalyst systems, which allow us to do video stuff as well, along with projectors which I can remotely move along with the lights. Pretty cool, considering I had three dual 2gHz G5’s, one for monitoring with a couple of flat screens. (my control setup is in my “who am I” pic, 5 screens in all)

HEY HEy hey … C’mon now … what’s wrong with that picture ??

Good catch Dave … I recognize the Referee’s manual in my waistband …

I think it is a GREAT picture!

No its in the may issue…If your looking for it on the website i couldnt find it :frowning:

Actually, I was going to look for it in a bookstore.

I doubt you will find it in a bookstore. Its a trade magazine that I have never seen anywhere except for at two yearly conventions, unless you are a subscriber. I might have an extra copy laying around at work if you rerally want it.