First Inspires Issue

In a shock to absolutely no one, VIMS is refusing to work for me, and I cannot withdraw from events. It seems like the server is refusing to process my request to withdraw from volunteering at events, and this has already caused issues in the past where I had to email the VC outside of VIMS to tell them I could not make it. Does anyone have any tricks to get VIMS working so I can manage events without fear of being locked into volunteering for events I dont want?

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Can you share the steps you are following? Are these events to which you have already been assigned a role, or events to which you applied and have not yet been assigned a role?

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Events that I have not been assigned a role yet and or events where I was pending training.

Are you locating your event and selecting Withdraw Application under Role Options?

If so, do you recieve an error message, and what is that error message?

Go directly to your Dashboard from the link at the top of - you can login after clicking that - then follow what Jared sniped me on above.

Yes. I am doing so, and no error is given, but the event remains after I select withdraw. Thank you both so much for helping.

Maybe log out and log back in, see if it’s just waiting for a refresh?

Nope! I am going to try a hotspot, and see if its just the Wifi at my uni throwing issues for some reason.

For benefit of future users, we troubleshooted further via DM and a different browser resolved the issue.


Just for curiosity, having had oddities being handed between different * hosts in the past - did you try clearing cookies/incognito window first before the browser switch?

I did not, sorry

As evil doers have stepped up their game, so the browsers have, (some more than others), stepped up their security posture. And it’s gotten to the point where we are seeing issues with legitimate websites / services.

Unfortunately, this is likely to become more common.

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