FIRST, it's time to address "Cotton-Eye Joe"

This would be incredibly sterile. Even professional level sports pump music in the stadium during pauses in play. The atmosphere is a big part of what sets FRC apart from “science fairs,” and is one of the very first things most newcomers notice when they attend an event.

At risk of going off on a tangent, there’s a portion of the FRC/CD crowd that is often overly concerned with appearances. In an effort to distance themselves from anything remotely nerdy, they forget that it’s okay to be jovial and goofy at times. Don’t take yourself too seriously, the giant cultural staples that FRC intentionally emulates from certainly don’t. Professional sports have sing alongs, dance cams, mascots, theme nights, cheesy intros, and goofy celebrations. There’s room for fun and letting your guard down. Not everything has to be sterile.