FIRST Jeopardy! (5/26)

Last one before Double Jeopardy. 400 points: It’s what the “X” means in “X men” (and no, it’s not Xavier). Let’s see how good you are with genetics.

The X-Factor gene?

It stands for nothing :stuck_out_tongue:

What is the X chromosome?

*Originally posted by EddieMcD *
**Last one before Double Jeopardy. 400 points: It’s what the “X” means in “X men” (and no, it’s not Xavier). Let’s see how good you are with genetics. **

Actually, in the Age of Apocolypse storyline, the X-Men were named after Xavier, but I guess we can’t count alternate universes, eh?

The “X” originally stood for the “X-tra” powers that the mutants posessed (I swear… This was 1963, so give them a break!); however, it was recently changed to stand for the X-factor in a person’s DNA that makes them a mutant.

Boy… such a misleading question! =-]

P.S. Is is sad that the only questions I’ve gotten 'til now were on pro wrestling and comics? See, Mom? Those weren’t just wasted hours after all!

It has to do with the mutated X chromozone. The X-Factor actually comes from that mutated gene, so, as much as I hate to say it, technically those answers are both right. So Daisy, consider yourself 400 points richer.