FIRST logo/decal on cars


I have searched through the forum and I have yet to find a thread regarding FIRST logo/decals strictly for cars. Are there teams out there who makes decals to give out at competitions? Are there FIRST members with logo on their car? If so, please post a picture; more so, please point out where would we be able to get one from? I found this one decal that I really like. I would like to get myself one of those. The one I have right now is 2"x2". It would be nice to get one that goes across my whole back window. Thanks.


i think if you can get a picture of the logo there are probally places on the net that can do custom car stickers

I picked one up for my truck at BE this past offseason. :slight_smile:

There is a mentor for 1610 that owns a signs and engraving shop. He also does decals.

Let me know what size you are looking for and I’ll ask him about it.

We had a bunch of them kicking around the old site.
I got one on my truck and on my fork truck at work.

i made a few a couple years ago and sent them along with the x-mas cards that i sent out. i also made a car flag with the first logo on it.
what size of logo are you looking for? i can probably get one made for you

here is a picture of the flag
edit i also have a magnetic version of the logo that can be stuck on the doors