Hey Chief Delphi-ers, Team Paragon admins have a question about the FIRST logo. We would like to put it on our t-shirts, but we were worried with copyright issues with changing the colors. Does anyone know about the rules on this trademark? Thanks
A quick search turned up this: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90102
In previous years FIRST had a logo and style guidelines PDF, that I can’t seem to find right now.
As always, Q&A is open, or you could just e-mail [email protected]
EDIT: Looks like a CD search works too. (as always)
I believe this is the guide being referred to: http://usfirst.org/uploadedFiles/Robotics_Programs/FRC/FRC_Communications_Resource_Center/Branding_and_Logos/FIRSTbrandGuide_MAR262010.pdf
It looks like changing the logo colors is not permitted.
Thank you for pointing these things out! I would’ve searched any other night, but they caught me off guard. They pulled me into the room and asked me to start a thread because I was the only available student with an account. I didn’t really think about what they were asking. But the links were very helpful! I’ll be sure to search before I post next time!