FIRST Myspace


I have come up with an idea. It is to create a website like myspace that would be for FIRST teams. Each team would have their own page and also have links to their members and their pages. We could also have regional pages. The goal is to connect teams together through the website. Has this been done? If not, I would like to gather a team who would be willing to work on this.

Hm… that’s a very good idea. I don’t know anything about this stuff though, so my input is just “great idea” and can’t be anything more.

Are you thinking something like ?

My thoughts exactly

Wow, guys. I see what TLuck is trying to say. FIRSTwiki might semi-connect us together… but with a MySpace, there could be one massive official FIRST MySpace page thing… and each team could create a TEAM MySpace… and the friends of the Team MySpace would be the team members. We have a Bomb Squad MySpace and a facebook group. It would be a way for teams to meet other teams and team members more easily.

But we always have ChiefDelphi… But not everybody uses it.

Agh. I’m really bad at explaining things… but it makes sense to me. FIRSTwiki doesn’t really do anything as far as meeting other teams is concerned.

Nevermind. I tried… haha.

I’m sure there are already FIRST MySpace pages though…


I would guess that it wouldnt be too much like firstwiki, only because it would link to pages of even members in the same network. And maybe if it were meant to work a little similar myspace it would let others also find people on other teams to contact them for anything?

Overall, whatever it may be it does sound like a good idea. I do believe it would be quite a hit.

Or you can just use Facebook. :stuck_out_tongue:

Have teams create their own groups. Add any and all FIRST competitions as events. Upload your massive amounts of team pictures.

Almost every possible thing needed to run a FIRST social networking group is already in place [and being used!] through Facebook. :wink:

Many teams including us have already created Team Myspace pages on We could just promote more teams to make them on Myspace, but then again I see a point in creating them on a FIRST site. It would definitely be safer for the students when browsing the site. Therefore, I think it would be a terrific idea for sure, something to really go forward with in creating. :slight_smile:

Our team has a myspace page also. I think a myspace for teams would be a good idea.

With FIRSTwiki, the team pages that I saw, many of them didn’t have talk pages =\

With a website like a myspace, comments are right there in front of you =]

This is an idea someone on my team threw out at the very beginning of the year. I thought about it, and thought it would be a good idea, but it slipped into the background for a while. I think it’s a great idea, and I’d be willing to help code it. It would be a rather large project so I definitely think a team-based programming approach would be important. If this gets going, I’d be onboard.

I’m glad that everyone understands what I’m saying. Yea, it will be a very big project, but it would be pretty sweet in the end. I actually started on it, but it is not good at all. First, we are going to need a team together, so if you are interested PM me.

I think this is a really cool idea. As for actually puting this plan into motion, I think it might be a good idea to get in contact with the webmasters of MySpace and present the idea to them to try to get their support. Maybe then, we could convince them to set up a MySpace just for FIRST…much like how they have MySpace sites set up for different countries/languages. Another way we could go about this is to try working with Google, since they are already supporters of FIRST…we could try to use their support to push MySpace to do this.

Just a reminder about this idea. myspace is blocked at many schools and districts.

I can see wanting to get support from the major contributors to this type of project already. However, I think this could also be a GREAT opportunity for some of us FIRST webmasters to get some real team development experience. That’s the way the industry works, and I think starting now would be a great head start.

… I just thought about this a little more, and there is one thing that would be good to get corporate support with: hosting. That’s one thing I think we could ask some of those companies about, and it would allow us high bandwidth and fast, reliable servers.

Hosting from a company would be really good. Google might be willing since they support FIRST already. Also, the developing of the website by FIRST webmasters is really a big point in doing this. It will be a really good experience in actually doing a large-scale website.

i would be willing to help with coding and design stuff. i dont have any access to servers but im willing to help if you want me too.

/forest 885

My team’s working on a similar project.

cool. i like it. i would so make our team myspace (if they want me too:) )

We need moooooooore servers…

I have access to some servers/hosting bandwidth. Let me know if this takes off, and I can host it. At least temporarily. Sorry I don’t have the time to do anying scripting myself… many other projects. Maybe at a later date.


oh yah…Duh… What was I thinking?