Not that they’ve had a hard time of it in the past. (Show of hands, who’s gone back–or at least wanted to go back–for another round of those brownies with the marshmallows on them that they serve at the Georgia Dome?)
FIRST, please keep the hard stuff hard and the easy stuff easy.
FIRST, please coordinate and execute a consistent competitive experience (inspection and gameplay) across all regionals and the Championship.
FIRST, please have enough control system technical support in place at all events such that veteran teams are not thrown to the wolves attempting to provide all tech support in its absence.
in face of economic difficulties, unprecedented growth that seems to happen faster than anyone would ever be able to keep up with and supply for, mounting criticism for any and everything you do and the never ending search to find new ideas to challenge the fertile minds that crave more from you every year I ask one thing…
keep fighting the good fight and never give up.
We need you more than ever.
Do not rely only on live scoring for final match scores. Verify and adjust the score from the trailers at the end of the match. With a ref at each trailer, it takes seconds to verify.
There was a finals rematch for no apparent reason. Though noone thought bad of it but it made the winning team have to play again and win another game or face another rematch.
Have the scoring system perfected before the regionals, we don’t want to hear about the results of a game while watching another.