**GO-TECH MAKERS CLUB - OCT 14th 2008 Meeting - “ACTUATORS - Making Things Move”
**As a part of this month’s theme, there will be a full FIRST Pneumatics demonstration and training at this month’s meeting of the GO-Tech MAKER’S CLUB in Ann Arbor MI on 10/14/08.
A full FIRST Pneumatics package will be available for demo and experiments. In addition to actually building up a system to the basic FIRST pneumatics rules, some advanced tricks, applications and information (like multi-positioning a cylinder, feedback control, mechanical advantage, ordering parts correctly, etc.) will be discussed.
GO-Tech meets @ 8PM, 2nd Tuesday of every month, at Great Oaks Co-Housing (common house), 500 Little Lake Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48103http://www.gocoho.org/ http://www.gocoho.org/location/directions/ (That makes this month’s meeting Tuesday, 10/14/08, @ 8PM.)
Attendance is FREE, but space is very LIMITED, so if there are any area teams that would like their new students and/or mentors to learn all about FIRST Pneumatics (or you’d like to learn a few new tricks), you should RSVP to me at CDF:kmcclary ASAP via this link:
Please place “GO-Tech RSVP” in the Subject line, and let me know how many seats you think you’ll need. Thanks!
In addition, if there are any teams that would like to show off THEIR cool robot actuator, gripper, custom gearbox (etc.) they’ve developed, please let me know! You are definitely welcome to come and demonstrate it!
GO-Tech is of interest to Makers of all flavors - machinists, programmers, electronics nuts, roboticists, ham radio fans, home foundry guys (etc). In general, if you like MAKE Magazine (http://www.makezine.com/), this club is for you! We teach each other how to hack in any material or technology, to allow members to make whatever they can dream up. (The Show and Tell period at each meeting can be awesome!)
I hope to hear from you soon!
- Keith