FIRST Pneumatics Demo & Training - Ann Arbor MI 10/14/08

**GO-TECH MAKERS CLUB - OCT 14th 2008 Meeting - “ACTUATORS - Making Things Move”

**As a part of this month’s theme, there will be a full FIRST Pneumatics demonstration and training at this month’s meeting of the GO-Tech MAKER’S CLUB in Ann Arbor MI on 10/14/08.

A full FIRST Pneumatics package will be available for demo and experiments. In addition to actually building up a system to the basic FIRST pneumatics rules, some advanced tricks, applications and information (like multi-positioning a cylinder, feedback control, mechanical advantage, ordering parts correctly, etc.) will be discussed.

GO-Tech meets @ 8PM, 2nd Tuesday of every month, at Great Oaks Co-Housing (common house), 500 Little Lake Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (That makes this month’s meeting Tuesday, 10/14/08, @ 8PM.)

Attendance is FREE, but space is very LIMITED, so if there are any area teams that would like their new students and/or mentors to learn all about FIRST Pneumatics (or you’d like to learn a few new tricks), you should RSVP to me at CDF:kmcclary ASAP via this link:

Please place “GO-Tech RSVP” in the Subject line, and let me know how many seats you think you’ll need. Thanks!

In addition, if there are any teams that would like to show off THEIR cool robot actuator, gripper, custom gearbox (etc.) they’ve developed, please let me know! You are definitely welcome to come and demonstrate it!

GO-Tech is of interest to Makers of all flavors - machinists, programmers, electronics nuts, roboticists, ham radio fans, home foundry guys (etc). In general, if you like MAKE Magazine (, this club is for you! We teach each other how to hack in any material or technology, to allow members to make whatever they can dream up. (The Show and Tell period at each meeting can be awesome!)

I hope to hear from you soon!

  • Keith

Just a side note that would be helpful to include. ( sorry if its already in there)

With the new control system for 2009 and beyond, the solenoids can be connected straight to the NI-9472 module. they also can be connected to relay outputs (using a spike).

hey is there any chance that you could post your dissucions online for those of us that are unable to attend. like me for example i live in oregon, but i would love to see this demonstration


Excellent point.

THIS demo was not intended to cover the new control system. Though** heavily** tailored toward FIRST apps (I’m using mostly FIRST KoP goodies), in addition to FIRST it is also intended to introduce the technology in general to pneumatics newbies for home CNC manufacturing, and Halloween gizmo fun. For the more experienced, I hope to have some time left over to show some really cool good tricks to have in your back pocket, that makes life easier when using this stuff.

In fact, I’ll discuss Spikes, but I’ll be using switch boxes for this demo instead of an RC. I will show how you can simulate the RC and software for about $1 in parts, to safely drive a kit compressor for automatic pump control in standalone operation. (That’s not legal for the contest, so for FIRSTians I’ll also show you how to make an OFFICIAL “off robot compressor package” for “by-the-rules robot pre-charge” usage as well, that’ll pass inspection…)

The full agenda is still TBD, but I’m one of multiple presenters so I’m time limited. I hope I’ll have time to cover:

  • basic concepts (Pascal’s Law, my “Force Chant”, cos law, et al)
  • building The Three Nodes (power source, control/feedback, load)
  • plumbing (push connectors, using Teflon tape, vent valve, etc.),
  • basic applications (typical usage - latches, grippers, feeders, hitches, ball shooters, power clamps for CNC, gates, wings, gear switching, etc.),
  • handy accessories to make (a precharge adapter, tire filling from your robot’s air system in the pit, a pit compressor from spare KoP items, etc.
  • advanced tricks (multi-positioning, inverse block&tackle fast extenders, compressor-less dampers, vacuum generation tricks, alt valve numbers, alt mount techniques, FIRST legal custom stroke lengths, automatic brakes, sensor feedback, etc.)
  • cool parts and small assemblies you don’t see in the KoP that makes things easy (inline flow controls, manifolds, externally piloted valves, off-robot compressor apps, a $1 robot precharge adapter, etc.)
  • build rules, and using the Bimba Coupon (Bimba JIT & biz practices)
  • The Big Gotchas (what’s legal and what’s not, common mistakes that catch even experienced teams during inspection, etc.)

I intend to have a big pile of parts with the push connectors already attached available, and a portable compressor package. Hopefully, guests will be able to whip up a full system “from scratch” during (and after) the demo, and play with all the parts during the open time later to become familiar with Pneumatics.

I’m not sure. I don’t think a live feed is possible, but a summary or video later MAY be possible.

(Well gee… FYI, I’m available for presentations, if your team wants to fly me out there with all of my toys and put me up. <hee hee> :smiley: I’ve always wanted to visit Oregon! )

Seriously though, one guy often shows up with a camera and posts clips of our meetings online. If he does it this time I’ll try to get a link posted.

Will that help?

  • Keith

AUGH !!! I’m going totally insane… My ISP’s email server’s download system has been corrupted since Monday, keeping me from accessing my email account ALL WEEK LONG to check for RSVPs !!! Apparently it’s a case of a supplier uploading an untested software update which trashed the indices of thousands of customers, including me. :mad: My ISP has been trying to rebuild their database all week, but I still can’t access my email yet. That means it’s all still pouring into their server. I just can’t read any of it yet !!!

**SO… IF you wish to attend this demo (or have questions), I haven’t seen your RSVP email yet.

Please RE-RSVP via CDF Private Message via THIS link ASAP, which I SHOULD be able to access, via the web:**

Again, please place “GO-Tech RSVP” in the Subject line (“Title”), and let me know how many seats you think you’ll need.

Thanks, and sorry for the confusion!

  • Keith