FIRST prom... a Crazy thought!

you are right… :slight_smile:

[cutesie rant]aww everyone looks so good in the picture![/cutesie rant]
sorry, had to say it.

Yep, that’s it. So much fun. :slight_smile:

NOTE: The ideas expressed by Arefin are not necessarily those of team 108, and as such should be treated accordingly. Thank you.

[EDIT] It would appear my lighthearted tone was not apparent for many of those who don’t know me. Our team has a tendancy to poke fun at one another, and as such does things like this from time to time. It’s all in good spirit and no (well…not much) offense was meant of it :stuck_out_tongue: [/EDIT]

O we all know arefin is a little crazy and might be a nut but this might be a good idea

.:bites tongue:.

I’d go, just make sure it’s somewhere in the south east… :stuck_out_tongue:
And I second the ddr idea, think of what 50 ddr’s going on at the same time? CRAZY!!! :ahh:

one of Genia’s dates :smiley:

I’d go to one if there was one within 3 hours or so (with a couple of exceptions :stuck_out_tongue: ) from where i live. I’d assume that with such a large # of teams in the Detroit area, that there’d be one fairly close to me though.

That was wicked fun.

Arefin Will You go to the prom with me :smiley: ?
i Have a dress picked out and everything :slight_smile:

Sorry… but… i’ve got dibs on Arefin… sorry tytus.

I’m sure you look lovely in your dress though! :smiley:

Darn-i thought i had him first. Ill have to go searching now.

Dude, he asked me already.
Man you people gotta cut it out! ;-D

So Fin… who is it??? :mad:

how about we all just be friends… and we all go together… so i am choosing every one… including… stina, dori, tytus, mike, corey… (anybody else want to be added on the list?)… :slight_smile:

MAYBE its just turning into a joke now… but i would love to see this happening… you guys know we can pull this off… :slight_smile:

I really think it would be a cool thing to do, if we can pull it off. I mean, it could just be a night to hang out with all the awesome FIRSTers from across the country, and meet new people. Maybe even make fools of ourselves… :smiley: Oh, and we MUST have DDR. It’s a staple.
What else to say?
Court is my date :wink:

Jakey, I thought I was your date…

Well, if we’re going to do it, we may as well start to arrange it.

What are the issues for one? Transportation. Anybody in the midwest wanna caravan out east for a prom :wink: That would be a party in itself. Rent a coach bus, and get us on out :P.

Or we could mass-order greyhound tickets.

  • Genia

Well that’d only apply to three things:
a) if we have it at Nats
b) if teams are not able to attend Nats
and c) if we have it on another date and in different places at once or at different times.

alright first off… we will need to get permission from FIRST if we are going to call it a FIRST prom. then choose a place. one of us has to reserve that place… ofcourse that will cost money. getting this news to everyone… setup. tickets. i wouldnt bother to ask my own team if i could go to the prom as a field trip… because team wont agree most likely. why not just go on our own. inputs, suggestions, comments?

Make it during the summer…no school…and i’ll be in FLA

You already called someone as your date! How about this: You, me, Court, and your date will storm the dance floor and break out some mad dance skillz. Sound good? 'K.

If it’s going to be in the summer, have it in Manchester. There’s a nice courtyard near the FIRST HQ down by the river…that would be beyond pimp. We might even be able to get Woodie to DJ for us :stuck_out_tongue: