FIRST Q/A Forums

I don’t think this has been posted on Chief Delphi yet, but if you have a question that cannot be answered by people here (or if you are totally clueless about something!!) Ask here: Official FRC Forums.

  • Katie

These are moderated forums BTW. And unlike most teams, FIRST staff does not appear to be working the week end. I can’t say that I blame them but today is the day a lot of teams are going to have questions. I have posted one already but it hasn’t made it past the moderators to be seen. I am wodnering what sort of turn around time that forum is going to get?

*Originally posted by Katie Reynolds *
**I don’t think this has been posted on Chief Delphi yet, but if you have a question that cannot be answered by people here (or if you are totally clueless about something!!) Ask here: Official FRC Forums.

  • Katie **

Tried posting have several questions - but site doesn’t seem to be working.

By Moderated do you mean “Filtered” as in all questions have to be approved before posting?

If questions aren’t at least posted in real time I think FIRST is asking for much additional work because others will continue to ask the question until they see it posted.

I’m sure more than one team wants to know if they can make their robot fly!:yikes:

yeah, moderated means filtered. IT is going to slow things down and make more work for FIRST staff but they probably thought of that. We’ll see if it continues though.

Your robot is going to fly too!! Oh, no, maybe we should change our plans.

Just tried posting again to the FIRST Official Q&A Forum.

Looks like the only forum that is working is the EDUrobotics Forum. :slight_smile:

The Game Q/A - NOT :mad:
Robot Rules Q/A - NOT :mad:
Administration Q/A - NOT :mad:

And aren’t those the important ones at this point in time? :confused:

So not sure if moderated means filtered before posting for not now… Brandon can you help with this one???

Actually, any rules questions that do not have a definitive answer ought to be posted there. The forums here on ChiefDelphi are absolutely not authoritative when it comes to the FIRST rules. The only way to be sure you get the rule clarification you need (provided your question really is about an ambiguous rule), is to post on those FIRST forums.

And the forums do “work.” They are moderated… your questions will not show up until FIRST has added an answer to them. This is much, much, better than last year’s forum system. I just hope that FIRST remains consistent on their judgments this year.

*Originally posted by Jon Lawton *
**Actually, any rules questions that do not have a definitive answer ought to be posted there. The forums here on ChiefDelphi are absolutely not authoritative when it comes to the FIRST rules. The only way to be sure you get the rule clarification you need (provided your question really is about an ambiguous rule), is to post on those FIRST forums.

And the forums do “work.” They are moderated… your questions will not show up until FIRST has added an answer to them. This is much, much, better than last year’s forum system. I just hope that FIRST remains consistent on their judgments this year. **

Thanks - I did realize where I was posting (ChiefDelphi) but this “Thread” is about the “FIRST” Q/A forum.

ChiefDelphi is a wonderful venue to share information/rumors but it is not official - I think most everyone knows that.

At the Kick-off FIRST encouraged us (teams) to use the Official FIRST Forum to post questions. The problem I’m running into is that the questions aren’t being posted when asked in three of the Official FIRST forum areas.

The EDUrobotics portion of the Official “FIRST” Q/A forum allows you to post questions and begin threads.

The “Game, Rules, and Administration” portion of that same site (The Official FIRST Q/A forum) is NOT allowing you to post questions or begin threads.

My concern is that if FIRST waits to post the questions until they have an answer - they (FIRST) will continue to receive the same questions thousands of times because we (Teams) don’t know if the question has been ask yet.

That’s a lot of posts that someone at FIRST is going to have to sort through that they probably wouldn’t have as many if the forum posted questions as received. Again, we (those who read) will know if our question has already been ask.

When FIRST gets the answers they then could post the questions and answers on the update portion of the FIRST website - under team/document updates.

I think Jon is right. The questions probably won’t show up until they are answered. I suppose there are valid reasons for this, and valid reasons against.

And as mentioned earlier – ChiefDelphi is NOT an official place to get answers … just a place to get good, most-likely-right answers, or get pointed in the right direction towards a correct answer :slight_smile: FIRST has the official word, however.