Isn’t the Q&A supposed to open at 12 PM EST (9 AM PST)?
Looks open to me… maybe nobody has asked questions yet?
I see [strike]two[/strike] three*.
*NM, the flood gates are open.
Yeah there was a 14 minute delay or so… I’m being impatient, sorry
8 questions in and most of them could of been answered by reading the first team update…
I wish there was a way to give “unofficial” answers to the questions. I’m already seeing questions that have been clearly clarified in the team update or could be answered by looking deeper into the manual.
I find it interesting you can sort questions by team number (big to small). Not sure what the practical use of that is…
Interesting that a good chunk of the update was what questions not to ask Q&A.
You can give “unofficial” answers to questions. It is called CD. :]
Notice that First staff seem to avoid making comments on CD? Even key volunteers avoid speaking for First. The update makes it clear that CD does get read by First staff. IE the climbing clarification. I wonder how many questions they will get on this. :]
I guess, but it would be nice to save the GDC some hassle if they could just approve a submitted answer instead of having to take the time to write one out for a fairly obvious question.
Anyone else having trouble logging in? My team’s password is listed in the registration system, but no username is listed. I’ve tried using last years FRCXXXX login and my FIRST login info, but it says user not found.
Does anyone know what the username is supposed to be?
- Create an individual account for yourself.
- You’ll get an email to verify your email address. Do so.
- Once in it, Affiliate yourself with your team number.
- The system will then prompt you that no one else from your team has registered to be the Q&A person.
*]Enter your Q&A Dashboard password.
Tried all of the above.
I can access the log in, but it will not log me in.
Set a new password, but still will not let me log in.
If I enter a wrong password, it tells me so, if I enter a correct password, it does nothing.
I think we broke it’s brain.:mad:
Have you created an account? I had to create a new account, it seems they were reset from last year.
Yep, did that yesterday.
So I just created a new account with a different user name and email address (work email).
I got the confirmation email and followed the link.
I tried signing in with the new account and I get the exact same non response from the system.
Second edit.
It took 3 minutes for the system to respond to the “click” to sign in.
Maybe I’m expecting too much.
Did you get the email that verifies your address, and did you click on it to complete verification of your new account?
That’s all that comes to mind.
Probably to help the asking team find their answered questions easily.
Yep, sure did. Honestly, when it finally worked, it was because I clicked “Sign in” and walked away from my computer out of frustration.
When I returned 3 minutes later, I saw it finally log me in.
I guess waiting 3 minutes to log in is supposed to be normal.
Anyone else getting Error 500 when you try the FRC Q&A?
I hope the slow login issue has been resolved. We had an issue with the autoscale procedure that has been resolved now.