FIRST reality tv show

What would it be like to have cameras document everything that happens during the build season? The team that i’m on (753) would have so much drama!!!

121 already does this with their American Robot series–I forget where the posts are, but they’re a search away.

Personally, I get worn out enough without a camera in my face…and I doubt the world really wants to hear my jokes. :wink:

in our team, there is alot of personal conflict between our mentors so it would be funny to see it on tv. we are thinking of having our personal cameras there to document the season

Most of the camera time would be spent on me (Don’t you agree?)

The only time I ever seen anything close to a FIRST reality show was an A&E speical done in 2001 about a handful of FIRST teams. Sometimes it’s a case of being careful of what you wish for: not only will your strengths and gifts be highlighted but your warts and faults as well. In fact they tend to focus on those more.