FIRST Records - Longest term MENTOR?

There is a thread on FIRST records that has some cool information in it.

Who has information on -

The longest term team MENTOR (active or now inactive) - name, team, years

The longest term team MENTOR who is still active - name, team, years

Any mentors who were here in the first FIRST season?

Paul Kane, Team 20, Since 1992
John Hodapp, Team 148, Since 1992

I believe you can also add to the list…

Jorge Martinez, team 126, 1992-present
Tom O’Connell, team 126, 1992-present

As a matter of fact, Jorge won the Boston Regional WFFA just this past year. They are both amazing mentors, and two of the most influential people in my life.

A couple from this old thread:

*]Larry Ruff with 1493 has been a mentor since 1992

Larry took a few years off in there.

Yeah, well, I’ve been a mentor for more than 30 dog years.

Carl Lewis, 191 X-Cats. 1992 til present.

That’s awesome. I appauld those of you who have been around since 1992. My mom’s been in it since 1996 and now I’m officially a mentor now forvthe pat two years. Keep up the awsome work everyone. :slight_smile:

Ron Dukes (the guy everyone keeps mistaking for me) who is our current team leader, was a member on our team in it’s first year as well but he took a few years off and came back in 2000.