FIRST Regional Director - Brazil

I´m proud to announce that our team leader, Prof. Ivan Jorge Boesing, is the new FIRST Regional Director in Brazil!

My special congratulations to Ivan, a man who never gave up, a man who always fight for his ideals, and it´s only purpose is to spread FIRST spirit all over our country!

Very soon, in 2005, a regional event is expected to happen in Brazil. My best efforts in building FIRST Brasil web site are almost done, and soon you´ll be able to acess this website.


Congrats to Brazils,

Wow, A Brazilian FIRST Regional- exciting!

*Originally posted by Balbinot *
**I´m proud to announce that our team leader, Prof. Ivan Jorge Boesing, is the new FIRST Regional Director in Brazil!


Very soon, in 2005, a regional event is expected to happen in Brazil.

I want to go! a girl can dream

My best efforts in building FIRST Brasil web site are almost done, and soon you´ll be able to acess this website. **

Looking forward to it!

that is so exciting … i really want to go … hmmm… that my graduate year …

dont think my parents will be up for i t… but i can hope!!!

and it’s not just it!
we will have an FLL competition in 2004!!:smiley:

*Originally posted by Daniel Repio *
**and it’s not just it!
we will have an FLL competition in 2004!!:smiley: **


OH man what I wouldn’t give to go down to Brazil to compete in FIRST (note to self chewck open season for Peacock bass) To bad my team is hard stertched as is convincing sponsors and schools to let us go to 1 regional and POSSIBLY UNDER THE ABSOLUTE PERFECT AND SUPREME CONDITIONS a bleesed trip to the all mihgty holy grail of regionals only attained once as a freshman.

Team #383 is ready to work and help in every way we can to assure Brazil has a regional by 2005. Count on us!

Way to go Prof. Ivan Jorge Boesing!!!

That’s great news.

Thanks for letting us know about this Balbinot.

If team 343, Metal in Motion can do anything to help let us know.

Will this be the first FIRST Robotic’s regional on another continent?


Congratulations on the nomination! We wish you the best in organizing your next regional. From what I’ve been told, we’re expecting yet another Brazilian team to come to the NJ regional this year! On 1152’s website, though, it appears that you won’t be joining us in NJ. That’s a bummer. Best wishes to you this year!!

Thank you very much to all!!

I accept your help:

We invite to all to know Brazil with its robots, its beachs and its people !!!


Parabéns!!! Tribotec Team (1382) will lend a hand anytime you need it! We can’t wait to join team 1156 Under Control in representing our country at the New Jersey regionals!!

Everyone come participate! The U.S. is awesome, and we’d love to receive you here to repay you guys for all your hard work!

Hey, we’re going to Jersey again this year, but we will wait for you guys here in Brazil, so we can repay you for all the help you gave us last year! :smiley:

And to all the other teams… come on, it will be fun!