FIRST Steamworks super-unofficial game

Certain members of team 2410 will be handing out copies of our game, FIRST Steam Powered, which is based on Steamworks at St. Louis. If you would like a copy of our game (we only have about 20 copies), ask for me (Lucas), or William. We will be trading t-shirts for the game.
In addition, if someone could let me know how to post files on Chief Delphi, I will post the game for download.

Image of our game.
sorry bout that

Posting files… There’s a couple ways to do it, but the easiest will probably be to go by way of CD-Media (and then link the file from here). Here’s the step-by-step:
–Click on the CD-Media button (should be up in the gray area, above the calendar link).
–This would fall under “Papers”. Click the “upload” button under the word “Papers”.
–Fill in the fields and upload the file. (Might take a day or so to be approved.)

The other option is to, when you’re posting, click the paperclip icon. (Might not work given your relatively new status–check all the way down at the bottom of the page in a box at the left of the screen to see if you may or may not post attachments.) If it’s one of the allowed types, and under the size limit, you’re good to go–just fill in the fields.

Unfortunately, I do not see any of the icons mentioned, I will check with teammates with older accounts to see if we can post it, Thanks for the help though!