First Stronghold Penalties

Attached is a summary sheet I created of the Penalties in First Stronghold.

On the first page I put match play penalties. On the second page are other penalties, legend, misc info, etc.

Note: This is for quick reference while Ref’ng, and should not be relied upon for any official purpose.

2016 Penalties.pdf (55.1 KB)

2016 Penalties.pdf (55.1 KB)

Some Drive Team questions that came to mind while creating the summary are:

  1. You accidentally drive into the Opponent’s Secrete Passage from the Neutral zone. What should you do?

a) Immediately exit back to the Neutral Zone
b) Continue on to the Opponent’s Courtyard and hope that an Opponent’s Robot is not in the way
c) E-stop your robot

  1. Your robot became disabled over the Moat. The Draw Bridge or Portcullis is between you and the Secret Passage. You go on the field to remove your robot. What should you do?

a) Pick up the robot, and step over the Moat, and continue out the normal way
b) Ask the Head Ref for permission to step over the Moat when removing your robot
c) Pick up the robot, and carry it sideways away from the Draw Bridge/Portcullis, over the Low Bar, and over the Guard Rail.
d) Maneuver the robot off the Moat and onto the ramp. Remove it the normal way.

  1. An Alliance partner has become disabled in your Secret Passage. It is also partially on the Courtyard. Unfortunately, you cannot pass the robot in the Secrete Passage. What should you do?

a) Drive around the disabled robot
b) Try to push the robot out of the way, but if you can’t, give up.
c) Go to the Question Box, and ask the Head Ref for a replay

Week 0, SOOOOOOO many yellow cards for walking over defenses.
Lots of teams using the secret passage illegally too.

A If I have a boulder
B If I don’t have a boulder


If I am reading this correctly you are saying that the a Red Robot got disabled in the red secret passage. You’re options are A and B as long as you push it within the secret passage and not into the courtyard. No referee will give you C.

James is correct here–drive teams are specifically allowed onto the Defenses to remove a robot from them, if they need to, without fear of a yellow card. I would advise a referee that it looked like I needed to go onto the defense, so they knew I was doing that, but that shouldn’t actually be necessary.