FIRST Team in Popular Science

Anyone notice the FIRST team that was featured in the February edition of Popular Science?

I think it was team 649 from New York…

In the article,12543,191400,00.html they had them testing these new bug toys. The reason i could tell it was a FIRST team was that in the background you could see a big piece of plywood with some pnuematics, a blue revolving light, and the robot controller/modem on it…then behind the students you could see a blurred out big yellow ball sitting on top of some PVC (the top of the goal)…

I thought it was kinda cool to see this while sitting at school…and it does seem that FIRST is moving up in getting more “advertisment” (more news articles and sales of Segways).


Ya, that is cool! I was reading in the paper yesterday that all the profits off the segway bidding is going to FIRST. Woo-hoo! Now mabye we all can get a segway for free?

yea like thats gonna happen