FIRST Team's featured in a movie

This past summer the Cybersonics Technology Team 103 and Miss Daisy Team 341, along with a multitude of other teams in the Philadelphia area participated in a movie that featured robotics. The story is about a young teen (Bruce) who makes some wrong choices in his life by betraying his friends and family. He then meets a neighbor hood girl (Monica) who gets him involved in robotics and helps to turn his life around.
Movie producer Swamy Kandan has recently finished editing the film and the movie is set to premiere in the US September 19th in many local theaters across the country. The movie has already been sold to four major countries. To watch the trailer of the movie Catch Your Mind visit

I will continue to update more information as it unfolds about the movie, as it has already inspired high schools who have seen a preview to want to start robotics teams.

Hopefully this will inspire schools all around the US and beyond. Thanks for posting and keeping us up to date.

I deffinately will keep everything up to date with any information that I receive. :slight_smile:


Sounds like fun! I recognize some great team numbers :slight_smile:
Will the US premier be close to you so you can all participate?

Is it this movie, at Ambler, PA? The plots sound similar – young teen goes astray, joins robotics team, turns life around.

Yes, its the same one.

It’s kinda funny as I look through the pictures to see the 2006 Miss. Daisy shooter bot actually “competing” on the 2007 game field with the tube slots on the sides. lol
I hope no poof balls got shot through the slots at anyone! :ahh:

the website says robobotics (two bos)
cool movie though

What the heck kind of game are the robots playing :ahh:

Its like bots from aim high, rack n’ roll, and maybe even a little zone zeal :ahh: just bashing into each other on a huge square feild with no goals or game peices :ahh: MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!!

This is what happens when robots consume your life… (he’s probably looking at CD)

I’m pretty sure its aim high…

So… will this be playing anywhere near Milwaukee?
I want to see it!

The US premier on September 19th will be in Philadelphia, close to mostly all of the teams that participated. It is all exciting

Yes the game is aim high, but to get enough robots and different robots for different shots, robots for 2006, 2007, and 341 had a practice base in it as well (which is the zone zeal robot I think you are talking about.)

And the movie may possibly be playing near Milwaukee seeing it is a major city, not really sure where the movie will be played. But if I find out I will deffinately let everyone know.


Looks like fun! although I’ve noticed that I sometimes find it hard to enjoy movies that I know a lot about the subject matter…because the moviemakers mess things up so bad, usually for the sake of “drama”.

You’re probably right, but this is still amazing! Gratz, Cybersonics and Daisy.

Why did you have to use you old bots? There are plenty of teams that would give and arm and a leg (or maybe a gear and a sprocket) to have a bot on the big screen.

Any Dallas, Texas area showings?

We used old robots becuase some teams could not bring working robots for the times they were needed.

I do not know what cities the movie will be showed in. The producer has been going to many movie theatres across the country and selling it to the different theatres.

the director was at monty madness at the end of may. we saw the trailer, and we were able to get autographs from the guy. very cool trailer, cant wait to see the real movie

I know me too! I’m very excited!

is there anywhere we can find out where it’s showing at?? because it probably won’t be showing where I live (small towns can be a pain)

that’s really exciting, and I can’t wait to see it!

will it be showing in California??? (if I wasn’t so far away, i’d definitely go to the filming.)