First Time in Atlanta

Last years walk for FTC wasn’t nearly that long. The only part we walked was starting at 20 seconds in your video. Because of the tornado last year the pits were a lot closer than previous years. I hope this year the FRC pits and the FTC pits are in the same hall again. It makes the pits a lot more interesting.

For anyone who doesn’t know. A tornado hit Atlanta a few weeks before the championship. It was pretty much cleaned up by te time we got there. Alot of windows were blown out all around the city. Here is a picture of the Dome as we drove up. All the plywood should have been windows.

Also, for anyone who has never been to the Dome. Here is a short video about it. There’s a lot about the Dome I didn’t know.

They left out the part that the dome roof can easily support the weight of a M1 tank. :slight_smile:

Not really related, but I didn’t realize that apparently Atlanta is considering a new stadium for the Falcons. I guess once a Stadium gets to be close to 20 years old its warranty expires. Or something.

this year is going to be 1557’s first year at the championship!!!

that a really long walk:ahh:

we probobly modify our cart a bit so i can hold tools and so we can charge batteries from it and stuff

I forgot to ask the question lol

theres an after party for all the teams right? when does it start and end? is it worth going too and staying another night in atlanta?

It is a giant place, I was there in 2005 with my FLL team, and it took us about 5 minutes to get to the playing field from the pits.

Congrats on going to Georgia.

The walk is long…but manageable. As for the cart, you can definitely do that. There seems to be a secret cart war that goes on between teams. I’ve seen carts with strobe lights and a fog machine. I’ve also seen a hovercraft cart. That was pretty Epic.

Yes, there is an after party. It starts right after the FRC finials on Einstein. The party is cool…but I don’t think it is worth staying an extra day. My team takes a bus down there with another team from our state. We stay for about 2 hours then leave for home. If you can’t make it I’d say just go home. If you can only go for an hour or so it’s worth getting the meal and playing a few games. I’m not sure what time it ends…I’ve never stayed that long.

Congrats on making it in!! We enjoyed having you as our alliance partner and we look forward to seeing you guys again in Atlanta!

As far as logistics goes, we are actually planning on leaving our robot at the FTC pits, however, we are locking it up inside a box. Also, we are planning to bring the cart you saw us push around at the Ontario FTC Tournament. Having been to Atlanta a few times before as an FLL team, we know how long the walk from the pits to the dome is! You really don’t want to be carrying your robot by hand all that way.

Don’t forget to hang around for the Canadian Team group picture – All the Canadian FLL/FTC/FRC teams gather around for a picture together. Also, in previous years, we had a reception for Canadian Teams. I don’t know if there is plans again for it this year.

As far as visiting the FLL and FRC teams, the schedules will be tight. You’ll be fairly busy with your matches. I remember last year when we went down as an FLL team we wanted to watch some of the FTC matches, but our schedule was just too tight. I assume the FTC schedule would be just as tight.

Feel free to email to call me if you need further information (just email me through Chief Delphi and I’ll respond with my contact info).

gratz 168, it was great to play with and against you, good luck in atlanta

Pit setup and registration is on Wednesday afternoon in Atlanta. Make sure you are there for that.