FIRST World Problem: How To Organize Excess VersaPlanetary Hardware

Here’s a random question as I sit here organizing the GOFIRST shop inventorying our parts-- we have something like 20+ VersaPlanetary boxes. As you know, VEX ships these with hardware for mounting all the valid motors, including faceplates, screws, et cetera. It’s pretty awesome for being able to swap between motors (we have a ton of BAG motors lying around from an old project, use a lot of 775pros for Ri3D, and put NeverRests on them for Ri1W), but means we have a TON of extra hardware lying around for the motors we aren’t using. Right now, we’re basically dividing the parts into categories and labelling the boxes the Veraplanetaries came in, but I can’t help but feel there’s a better way. Right now we use these DeWalt organizers for hardware, and they’re pretty awesome for that but seem a bit overkill for these parts. Similarly, Plano boxes seem like they’re a bit undersized.

How does your team deal with all the “extra” parts that come with VersaPlanetaries?

Stowaways come in a bunch of different sizes. You should head down to the fishing department at Fleet Farm and see what they have in stock.

Use bags. Whenever you buy something from McMaster/Vexpro/AM, save the small zip lock bags. Or just buy some. Put all of the mounting screws for 550s/775s/BAG motors into their separate bags and label them. Same for the input shaft adapters and set screws. You can store all of this hardware in a small box and find what you’re looking for fairly easily.

Currently we use one of theseHDX Organizers from Home Depot for all of the VersaHardware and stage pieces. Could see us moving to two in the near future. It is nice because we grab the one tray and have what we need to assemble 2-3 gearboxes as needed or service existing gearboxes.

I’m a fan of backups ready to go on the machine for when you are in a dire situation or if your partner is. Have found its a lot easier to just swap a whole gearbox than to diagnose a faulty VP on a machine. Usually this HDX bin has fully assembled VPs for every gearbox on the robot and we wrap the ones with encoder stages with something to protect them while in storage. Between the two places it covers our VP stock.

Before someone chimes in, yes the VP tote bin is considered as part of our withholding allowance or we have disassemble a few in the past to keep it in line with the rules.

We use one of these large Harbor Freight parts cases and separate specific parts in plastic bags inside.

Is there actually a clear rule that states you can’t have preassembled unmodified gearboxes? I know there have been discussions before, but there has never been a clear answer.

I’ve mentioned it a few times but for small stuff

Them and the uline 2mil bags that inexplicably showed up at the local space means organizing things is a fun exercise in label making.

Not sure on that, but its just safer to operate that COTS means how its bought off the shelf and we don’t buy VPs assembled.

Doesn’t take long to make, usually we do it in the pits at our first event and don’t need much if any withholding at the next events.

We laser cut some small boxes to sort things but you can buy the same things.

We also have dividers in them for thing like VP gear seats. We put all the VP gear set in these inter locking jars to keep dust off them

These are very cool. I love your cylinder storage method.

thanks we put a lot of time into organizing this room.

The definition of COTs and Fabricated Item is pretty clear. The question is do they really mean adding leads to a motor or assembling gearbox make it a fabricated item in terms of withholding. The Q&As over the years pretty much say yes. I suspect if you thoroughly searched, you will find technical violations of this rule in most pits.
Q&A example 2017-529 (Usual disclaimer about past years rules)

529New Motor Withholding Allowance
If we get a replacement motor for our robot and work on the wires for that motor, do we need to include its weight in the 30 pound WITHHOLDING ALLOWANCE?
Yes, once an item is altered or modified, it has evolved from a COTS item to a FABRICATED ITEM, and must be included in the ROBOT bag or WITHHOLDING ALLOWANCE in order to be used on a ROBOT at an event.