@DAflamingFOX has brought this to my attention, FIRST and Squid Game use the same shapes in their logo… Could we see a collab in the future? The shapes are in different orders but they are close, the square is in the same spot.
FIRST: Triangle, Circle, Square
Squid Game: Circle, Triangle, Square
So what I’m hearing is the square is arguably the worst shape
what are you on about?
so FIRST is gonna use comps to make everyone run a successful autonomous or else?
Summer CD ain’t hear no bell!
Does everyone get a sack of marbles at alliance selection?
I mean, Playstation in my opinion was the original “OG” of Triangle, Circle, Square…but some on CD might not be old enough to remember. LOL
edit: Wiki shows Playstation was released:
||Release date| | — | — | |Japan|December 3, 1994|
FIRST was born in 1992 so tight race who was the “OG”…
Though FRC started in 1992, FIRST was founded in 1989 so that’s a good five-year edge on Playstation.
Would be interesting to know if they had their LOGO established in 1989.
The 1992 Maize Craze game manual establishes the first instance of the “triangle, circle, square” logo I can find with a 1-minute search.
The Water Game starts tomorrow… Squids live in water… Water Game = Squid game.
The time is now.
I mean… Krakens are based off of Giant Squids? Coincidence… I think not.
Unfortunately, you my friend get a sack of rocks instead.
Player ~clydefrog~88 eliminated
It’s the most not GP thing ever to call someone not GP, but that’s really not GP.
I dont think squid games were designed to be GP to be fair
WOW that is super “kewl”, I think FIRST wins the triangle, circle, square!